If you have any event systems you want to post, please do it in this thread.
I will keep a list of all Event Systems and the links in the first post.
This thread also should decrase the topic of event systems in this forum as event systems aren't really a tutorial
(unless you explain how to do them).
Event Systems:
Currently none.
Tana, tell me if you think this is okay. I just saw many event systems and didn't know if I should approve them or not as I don't think they're really tutorials.
I will keep a list of all Event Systems and the links in the first post.
This thread also should decrase the topic of event systems in this forum as event systems aren't really a tutorial
(unless you explain how to do them).
Event Systems:
Currently none.
Tana, tell me if you think this is okay. I just saw many event systems and didn't know if I should approve them or not as I don't think they're really tutorials.