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post your desktop

I fouund out why some people's rmxp icons go red, i was playing gta3 when my graphics driver crashed, and when I looked at the rmxp icon it was red, so maby print screen button crashes your display driver for a few seconds.
el felixio said:
Oh yeah, that's also hi-def, like all the macs.

If you like it so much, why don't you marry it?

But seriously, Hi-Def isn't that much of a difference, and the actual screenshot you posted was the average mac fodder. Boring, m'kay? ;)
Am I the only one who likes the real deal over anime babes. :(

Hehe, it sure is a mess on my desktop... Who cares. ;d
You can imagine the screen of my other computer, since I put FreeBSD on it.

[Black Screen, white text]

kaos, what linux are you using?

The only thing I hate is how the icons have that blue text box around them. I can't make it clear...
el felixio said:
I fouund out why some people's rmxp icons go red, i was playing gta3 when my graphics driver crashed, and when I looked at the rmxp icon it was red, so maby print screen button crashes your display driver for a few seconds.

Um, it's red when it's the trial and turns orange after you buy it.


Anyway, since my last one was really big and had a bunch of shit open blocking the background, this is what my actual desktop looks like (one monitor).

Stevo I don't speak technerd sry ;_;

Dopples said:
Ummm...I'm on the trial and my icon's orange. :-/

Wierd then- but I know it has nothing to do with your video card like El Felixio said because my video card hasn't changed but my icon has (red to orange when I put in my serial number).



Well, I could post a pic of my new laptops desktop .. but its basically defualt. Woo for Random Blue images on the wallpaper!!

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