By the way, to those saying they hate Dells, I just bought my second Dell PC. Only £396 (UKGP) from the Dell Outlet, supposed to be about £900 when bought custom made. Got:
(Old PC) : (New PC)
2.4ghz Celeron : 3.0ghz Pentium 4 HT
2x 256mb RAM : 2x 1024mb RAM
1x 80gb HDD : 1x 250gb HDD
Not bad seeing as how the old PC was £300 and the new PC was £396 lol.
Ah yes, but you see you were horribly ripped off, reasons being as follows:
1: Intel (Pentium) CPU's blow in todays world, AMD is faster, stronger, has a higher threshold, and has more output in performance.
2: You bought a computer with a 3.0ghz Pentium 4 HT, probably costing the bulk of the computer, seeing you said it was at max 900 pounds, id say the CPU would be 400-500, prolly 450 pounds, that Intel (Pentium) being 3Ghz, in AMD terminology, is about 1.6GHZ, if you were to buy a AMD A64 3700+ 2.2Ghz (San Diego or Venice or Viego, doesnt matter which its just for overclocking performance), it would cost aprox 200pounds of the 900 pounds total (which would leave room enough to buy a sweet vid card), and being a 2.2 A64 based CPU, it would clock at about 4.2Ghz in Intel (Pentium) Terminology, You be the judge, did you get ripped? or did you not?
and finally,
point 3,
even though its not relative to non OCers,
Intel CPU's cant overclock worth shit.... the most you can get out of an Intel XMX P4 3.2Ghz, is about 0.2 Ghz, bumping it up to 3.4Ghz in Intel Terminology. The AMD A64 3700+ 2.2Ghz (the most on average bought AMD CPU) can clock itself stabily to 40% core capacity while maintaining low Vcore (Volage input and output for heat safety and control on the core of the CPU) so here your getting your 2.2Ghz to about +0.9Ghz, making it a whopping 3.1Ghz AMD, thats around 5.1 Ghz WITHOUT front side bus speed in an intel CPU terminology, all while being COOL and STABLE.
i rest my case...
>computer nerd<