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Post-Telochian World

You've weirded me the f*** out. (That was almost your intention, was it not??) But it's kind of cool that way. Kind of weird. Good job on making poetry like this, I never see this stuff (neither the poetry itself nor content), anywhere (primarily because I don't look?)...
Also I don't get the
missingno":12c8lmo2 said:
new poem!!
... ... ...
all in all, nice thread. Is this going to be a great musical production? :smile: :lol:
missingno":12c8lmo2 said:
Post-Telochian World, Part Two
...you've taught me how
to take her, to berate her, to subjugate her,
but it's not rape if she likes it
if she invites it
only if she fights it
I thought so.

overused and highly inaccurate
a pretty crappy storytelling device
i cant travel back in time
even in my head
the art of remembrance is bullshit

it doesnt work like it does in movies
so should they even use it at all
its not a threedimensional thing
no fancy camera angles or editing tricks
fuck it hell man its never coming back

you're wasting your time trying to rewind
you cant fastforward if the future hasnt happened
and you cant fly fast enough to turn back the world
google's cache bots dont crawl my mind -- yet
and until they do we're just wasting our time

actually i like that metaphor a whole lot more
i'd redo my first two stanzas and drop the comparisons to cinema
but that wouldnt be fair. it goes against my point.
whats done is done
keep going




they're not BAD.

i mean they're nothing particularly special and i think you're trying too hard to sound like amp and godspeed even though i'm pretty sure you have no idea what the fuck godspeed is which is kindof lame because i think you'd like them they're rad.

but they're not bad.

the BEAT GENERATION is a shitty source of inspiration and writing things about me just makes you a great big faggot but i am making a critique of all of them partly to ACKNOWLEDGE the time you took to make this shit but mostly as a mockery because regardless it's all pretty dumb, dude. not BAD but dumb; there's a definite difference between the two. on some level they remind me of flippy only his shit was POETIC and yours is just angry and grr and "FUCK TRADITIONAL ARTISTIC VALUES" but more than anything it reminds me of amp and amp you are not!

the first one starts off pretty nonchalantly; i don't really know where it's going and i don't really CARE it's just not particularly interesting but worth noting. STREAMS OF RHYMES are cool and shit but come on man i thought you were above rhyming. i do like the MASTURBATING CAR DOG thing it reminds me a lot of couch for some reason. it's pretty lame after that, though.

i taught you a lot of things but i never intended to somehow GLORIFY RAPE or find beauty in it or whatever the fuck you're going for there. i did try to teach you to find beauty in the things that we are taught to fear and loathe but whatever you are going for there it is dumb!! and you are a faggot stop trying to embrace the fact that you're different it's not mentally healthy or natural.

this is a shitty response and you're a faggot for writing all of this.

i'm not going to waste my time on the second one save to say it's just fucking stupid. it's obvious you're going for SHOCK VALUE and the chorus or whatever is straight amp, but as a whole it is a weak piece that doesn't live up to whatever the first one offered.

also i don't get why you're surprised that people like this shit; you have a huge circlejerk here, whether you acknowledge it or not.

the third one is cute but you're an even bigger faggot for deifying me. i mean i used to write shit like that about DD but that was fucking years ago, dude. drown the basket and shit. also i understand this is POETIC but taken literally - if you still need me, i didn't manage to teach you shit. i don't feel like commenting on the LANGUAGE section because whatever. also like i said before i did try to teach you to see the disgusting as beautiful but i never meant for that to apply to OGRISH come on.

i like 4'33" that's nice. i like blashfack too but i don't really have anything to say about it.

but yeah you're a shitty poet regardless of what your cult of personality says. i mean it's not BAD STUFF from a NOISE APPRECIATION perspective but you're still a faggot for writing any of this. they're not BAD, they're just shitty, if that makes sense. they're WEAK i guess would be the best way to put it. i mean it is an interesting DELIVERY and execution but it is weak and amateurish and riddled with obscenities that DO MAKE SENSE but still make you look like me six years ago, which isn't a compliment by any stretch.

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