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Post a Picture of Yourself - The Vastly Inferior Sequel!



So, uh. A local photography company has had a picture of me crowdsurfing at prom uploaded onto Facebook for months without me knowing.


I'd like to have forgotten how many dudes touched my junk during that. Ughughugh.


Awesome Bro

This is my hair at this exact moment in time, two days after washing and straightening it... couldn't be arsed with the upkeep this weekend, lol.




I am green with envy at your eyes Jason; I might have to replace your green eyes with my hazel eyes whenever I skip across the pond.


Awesome Bro

Oh yeah, my eyes are amazing, some days they're green, some days they're yellow, and some days they're a mix of both, lol... 'tis weird really...

About this eye transplant, I'll give it a maybe, just because it's you. Or maybe one eye...

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