Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.
Proof the ladies love me:
(Or, you know, the look pretty much tells the story that we lived together for three years and got engaged before she decided she didn't like the sunburn peeling off my face, or something. Yeah, let's go with that story!)
Proof I am secretly made of beard:
Sometimes I attempt to look like the professional IT guy my job titles suggests I am:
Do I pull off the bald look? Please?! Why am I so shiny?!?!
Holy shit there were so many Undertales this time around.
I got asked for so many photos I lost count, there were more undertales than homestucks, and people really liked my costume I spent all of like... 40 minutes making.
Some primary schools kids, barely in y2 by the looks, came up and shyly asked if they could get a picture with me, and the joy in the parents eyes taking the photo too, it was, wow.
Literally I was getting a photo done before I'd even got into the convention center, the name 'sans' was said or yelled within earshot of me like, every dang 10 minutes. It was incredible.
It was like I was... POPULAR, POPULAR! POPULAR!!!
I couldn't even catch a break, when I went for some food (fries and chicken nuggets) I got asked three times in that alone for a photo.
He was at Develop in Brighton and I just so happen to live here, so we got drunk (or at least I got drunk) and had a pretty cool night!
We also met the next day and toured the expo. I met some uni people but was too nervous to actually talk to them at length. I also tried VR for the first time!
Brit people, we all need to meet at some point. I had a great time with Xilef, and I'm sure y'all would be fun to hang with.
I hope I was palatable company!