@Doc Spoc: lol
a.) Des has posted plenty of pics of himself. He's the happy-go-lucky hairy&husky-looking fella with a 360.
b.) If he looks like an emo, then that's all we can really go on, right? Since it's not like we sit with him in his room, listening to his music and supervising all the razorblades in the house.
And anyway, being an emo is about 90% about LOOKING like an emo. Wearing fuckawful clothes and sporting moody scene-ish hairstyles and being lanky and moody-looking. Looking like a halfway goth teenager, that's what it is to be an emo. The other 10% is ACTING it, actually BEING moody/depressive/overemotional, fawning over My Chemical Romance, demanding all songs be on vinyl or cassette, cutting yourself, crying over poetry you write about your girlfriend breaking up with you.
It'd be a dick for someone to say, "Damn, what an ugly mfer!", not to say, "hey you look like an emo" because that's the same as saying, "hey, you have blonde hair". It's describing the way you look without being negative (though being emo IS negative, some people take it as a compliment).