Venetia":3e4869nt said:
I was ranked like 170-something in highschool so I'm not far behind
I was a dumbass and thought homework was too gay of a way to spend my time. Now I realize that when you're a dumbass in highschool, you
PAY for it later ;(
True that. True that. I'm like a complete dumbass. Well not entirely. But I just don't do homework or things like that. Its a waste of time. I don't think home and school should ever exist. Although I'm always on my sisters ass about doing her homework. But thats because she's the only [[female besides my mom]] in a house full of guys. So she has to be better than all of us.
Steve Wilkos":3e4869nt said:
i was 11th
Holy hell! Don't you smoke like a chimney? You should be in dead last! You bastard!!!! :pissed: I'm just kidding. Congrats on that though for reals.
I wanted to be hoe schooled once upon a child but then I saw girls and was like, "Nah I NEED to be with that" and thats the reason why I was never in school. At least my senior and junior year. My sophomore and freshmen year I was a complete school girl. I guess thats when I actually cared about trying to make it in high school. But I figured good social skills would get me far and they did. Although I failed fucking honors English 4! I didn't know what the hell diction was! I do now though after taking it AGAIN and nearly failing again. :x but now I'm not in school. :[
@Lexi not bad. I like your hair color but your man beard suggest that your natural color is orange!!! And maybe you're always in a closet because you're not ready to come out of the closet? ;]