sondex":1s9qgosp said:
I prefer the correct term: African American.
I don't mean to go off on a rant, but...
I prefer the correct term: American. "African American" makes it sound like you have dual citizenship.
However, that does not distinguish you as having the morphological characteristics of someone of African descent.
Let's give DJ the benefit of the doubt, and assume he meant to say, simply, "Interesting, I didn't realize you were black."
Nevermind that his 2 word post was pretty much "spam". That's for another day/rant.
The term, "negro", in most languages simply means "black" or "dark". The fact that you took offense to it is your problem. I highly doubt it was intended to be offensive.
I see from your posts that you too are young. I suggest you use some of your time to realize that tolerance works both ways.
One way to help eliminate racism is to take the time to get to know people from other races & cultures. That's one of the coolest things about a site like this. We have members from all over the world, and we have to figure out how to get along & communicate.
For my part, on the last 2 censuses (1990, 2000), and on any form other than medical where it matters, in the field where it asks for Race:, I put "Human" (I'd start a campaign, but I'm not that ambitious. :scruff: )
(see disclaimer below)
Be Well