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Post a picture of your pet!

How many pets do you have?

  • 1

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • 5+

    Votes: 3 15.8%

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My orange cat, Cheeto (hurr, hurr)

Pussy in the Bag.

Me and Cheeto on the lookout for rogue ninjas. Motherfuckers.

The reason we had to watch out for them in the first place:
J.D., that cat is so cute...

@Wild Clefairy: You're dog looks like a sweetie... my dog used to also have that problem with running into walls/doors/glass doors (especially when there were ducks outside and he'd get so excited that he didn't realize the glass door was shut).



This is Falina. As far as I recall, she's five years old and the reason we didn't let Mom name the other cat. She was living orphaned on the streets for the first year of her life, and as a result she has a noticeable case of separation anxiety. She's also incredibly affectionate, but has a habit of never leaving you alone right when you happen to be doing something important.

http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa21 ... pretty.png[/img]
She was practically made for the camera. Shots like this happen all the time, and I don't make any claims to being a particularly gifted photographer.

http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa21 ... atstep.png[/img]
Her toy of choice is the ring seal that comes with jugs of milk. If she sees you rinsing out a jug (meaning that another one is about to be opened) and you don't toss her the milk ring, she's going to make very heartrending faces and meow at you. Once she gets her paws on a new milk ring, she'll be completely enthralled by it for half the day. After that, you're liable to find it in your shoe.

(She also has the highest, most delicate meow you've heard. I'll try and get a sound sample next time I'm up North.)

Unlike Falina, this cat ruins photos like it's going out of style. I tried to pick the ones with the least motion blur.

http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa21 ... attack.png[/img]
This is Gemini. She's three years old, and was the runt of her litter. My little sister adopted her from a friend of hers who was putting the litter up for adoption since her parents couldn't support twelve(?) kittens. They were all named after the signs of the Zodiac -- at least, the handful that my sister's circle of friends could adopt. I'm not sure just how many were taken up immediately instead of being given to a pet adoption center (I forget the short term all of a sudden,) but I know for sure that Leo and a couple others found homes too.

http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa21 ... r/evil.png[/img]
Ignore the spot, that's just the GIMP being stupid. :mad:
Gem's old enough that she's stopped growing at a notable rate by now, but she still looks and acts like a kitten. Really, the only noticeable change is that her ears are now properly proportional to the rest of her -- she looked like a little bat back in the day. She doesn't really comprehend things like doors and water faucets, and we'll often see her spending the better part of the day keeping watch over a slow drip. She usually comes back with a wet face and a look of supreme indignance. In most other ways, my sister's personality has thoroughly impressed itself onto her, since she was her acting "mother" back when we had Gem confined to her room so that Falina wouldn't take badly to a new cat in the house.


She's also thoroughly confusing sometimes and enjoys being chased around the house. It's fun chasing her, though, so I don't mind.

http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa21 ... eepcat.png[/img]
When she's not being crazy, she's prone to extreme bouts of extreme affection and sleep in awkward positions. I'm not Northside as often as I am down south, so the cats really come to miss me sometimes, and take to sleeping on whatever smells like me -- it's really an awful turn of events whenever I leave my black hoodie lying around -- both Gem and Falina leave white hair around, in what I believe is the Cat God's way of laughing at me.

"Ha! You thought you wouldn't have to worry about a black cat!"
"Well, psyche! She's really white underneath!"

I guess the dual nature of her fur fits her name. God, I'm suddenly in an RPG, where everyone is named for their hidden traits.

That's why my first name is Armstrong, I guess.
Miekats are... sooooooo cute. ;-;

Also, Falina is a silly name for a cat(this coming from the guy whose cat has a Japanese honorific in his name).
AWWWW!, Kittens!, and Mum! :3

Lemme hold !, *Huggle/Snuggle/Cuddle* 
Cruelty your Lucky, now you got more cats to watch out for!, and clean up after.. And buy'em fewd...
Gimme?.. Please? :3

Heres two of my kittens, that I had..
http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj28/CherryWolfress/strewandHorse.jpg[/img]                                                      On the left its Strewsel, and on the right its Horse.. my brothers called them'at.. Not me.. But I gotta laugh at the names :P



Cruelty, that's absolutely adorable. I wish Gem were still a kitten.

Or that one of them wasn't neutered so that we'd get some more kittens.

Man, that's just -- aaaawww! :')

Take more kitten pictures and you might give Pippy a run for his fluffy white money.




Sorry for the quality, my camera is broken and looks like shit.

This little bastard of a guinea pig prolly hates me, but oh well. He's fun to mess with.
Cat pile. Cloey on the left (My brother's cat) Max in the back (Mom's) and Growlback in the front (MY BABY)

Sometimes... In the darkest of times...
It becomes necessary to consume a fistful of kitten.

There's actually two more cats, but one is like 14 years old and isn't terribly photogenic, and the other isn't allowed to come inside (really, she isn't ours but we feed here because she lives on our back porch)
arcthemonkey":3ka969lm said:
There's actually two more cats, but one is like 14 years old and isn't terribly photogenic, and the other isn't allowed to come outside (really, she isn't ours but we feed here because she lives on our back porch)


My mum hates petses.. and she's allergic to most of 'em.
So we'd only be able to have like.. goldfishes or something..
But those are too much trouble to take care of.

Fun fact: Goldfishes only remember the last four seconds.
arcthemonkey":8jxyhbmg said:
There's actually two more cats, but one is like 14 years old and isn't terribly photogenic, and the other isn't allowed to come inside (really, she isn't ours but we feed here because she lives on our back porch)

That was a silly typo :D None of our cats are allowed outside, except the one who lives out there. We are sick of dealing with fleas, and they don't like it out there anyway. Besides, Max is a ragdoll breed, and they are actually bred to be indoor pets who WILL NOT DEFEND THEMSELVES. When he's threatened, he rolls over onto his back and exposes his enormous stomach.

Oh, and $t3v0 - I may not have a parrot, but one of the first pets I remember my family having was this huge ass crow or raven or some such. That's freaky. We got rid of it because it was mean, though.

And Samot, they taught goldfish to swim a maze on mythbusters ^_^
I wish I had a damn penguin for a pet. THAT would kick ass. I'm planning on getting a pug in the near future tho'...

ANyways, back on-topic, Arc those are some bomb ass pussy. :D
arcthemonkey":b5jj97ag said:
That was a silly typo :D None of our cats are allowed outside, except the one who lives out there. We are sick of dealing with fleas, and they don't like it out there anyway. Besides, Max is a ragdoll breed, and they are actually bred to be indoor pets who WILL NOT DEFEND THEMSELVES. When he's threatened, he rolls over onto his back and exposes his enormous stomach.

I have a ragdoll, too. He's cute as a button :3

All my cats are indoors-only, too. Too many bad things can happen to them outside. I think it's cruel to have outdoor cats. They get disease, hit by cars, injured by other cats and mean children, lost, and in general, live HALF as long as an indoor cat. Not to mention, it really pisses off the neighbors to have kitty fucking around in their yards, killing their birds, agitating their dogs, peeing/pooing in their gardens.

Yay indoors cats :3

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