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Poptart's WorkShop

Well, These are some graphics I made... There not that fabulous but hey, I'm just starting out. There free to critisize, or use. Well, to the point, below are some graphics I have either created or made by editing other graphics.

More Graphics will come later...

                                              Character Sets:

Modern Teen 3

Little Boy


Modern Teen 2

Modern Teen 1

Room Numbers:

Grappler01 and Gunner02

Blonde Girl CharacterMaker XP

Blonde Boy CharacterMaker XP

Dark Woman CharacterMaker XP



Also of note your saturation level is way too high.  But yeah check out the tutorial section, there are some really great tutorials and in the academy good lessons on spriting, as well as off-site links to others that will help improve you a lot. :)



I think it'd improve your pixelwork if you zoomed in before drawing them, if you're not already doing so. Just straight doodling in Paint with the pencil tool generally won't cut it; it takes a little more precision than that, I'm afraid.
When doing frankensprites, don't forget to add in skin shading. There's no shading under the hair lines or under the clothes.

For the icons, they're just completely lacking shading.

Also, instead of bumping, let us know what you added :)
Well for some positive feedback, I think that your workshop is getting better. The icons still bother me, but the room numbers could be useful. Personally, I would blend the room number character sets a little more to the walls, so they look like they are actually painted on the wall. But that is just me.
Make them flow more with the wall then like a wall then just added numbers above them? if thats what you mean then ok, I'll work on that now.

Which looks best, one, two or three of the screenies? After you say best one, I'll work on that one so post suggestions for it too please. :D

Venetia: Don't double post unless you're adding content, plsnthx ^_^



If you want them to look painted directly onto the wall soften the color up like Neverplayd said (instead of a hard black use maybe around #404048 / r064, g064, b072), but also try bolding the font, it will make it look much more like painted block letters.  as it is the thin font is more a, I don't know what you'd call it, calligraphic style that you might see painted on a mounted sign but probably not right onto the wall itself, especially when it's italicized.
I attempted again. I used number two's font and changed the color. Its bolded belevie it or not too now.It looks a bit thin still.. But Anyway Does that look better?

I think the numbers look like they were painted then had been faded over time, thats what I think.



Yeah those letters are pretty thin still.  Impact is a pretty good font for block lettering, you might try that (but not bold).  The color looks really good though, and yeah it does look a little time-worn but I think it works that way.  You could go a little darker though, maybe halve each color value and still come out looking good if you want it to be a little more fresh, as long as it's not straight black.  That is noticeable by the eye and will almost never look natural.
I put a screenie up using the impact, no bold. Should I do the whole character set like that or is there more I should fix?

I aslo added some labels for buildings. In the character set they look off but once in rpg maker there pretty good lookin.



The Impact version looks pretty good :D  The signs definitely need a frame of some kind around them but they look good other than that.  They're a little bright, but it gives the impression that they're backlit which I think is fine.  Oh, the ones where the text is really tight against the sides could stand to have a little more yellow around them.

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