I'm pretty certain he said he wasn't going to make any evee evolutions, as they were unoriginal... Dunno, though...
Anyway, I'm liking how this looks... Were you thinking about making this one online-script compatable so that players can trade pokemon online?
It'd be a neat feature, but sort of pointless, I guess, anyway, good work! I'm an older fan of the pokemon games... I was a little disappointed with Gold and Silver, but I started playing through them again (To fill out my Emerald Pokedex... 386, That's nuts!), but I like the ideas.
You kept it small, you kept the material in lines of a decent fangame. I hope this is as good of a play as it has been a read...
If you ever need any help with colouring of the pokemon, I'm a pretty decent artist myself...
Anyway, I'll be checking on this one.
(Just found this, thought it was funny... "The tarnish on Sterling silver is acanthite." Actually is the mineral that builds on sterling silver, apparently...
It's funny too, because I remembered that from highschool, used to be in Jewelery, worked primarily with sterling silver... Hated the stuff, too much nickel in it... Dirty metal. Hated gold too, even dirtier than silver... Titanium is the only metal I really like jewellery made from... Never worked in it, though. Hell, my wedding ring is made of titanium... I'm rambling, it's late, I ought to get some sleep...)