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Pokémon Battle system script - personnalized



Hello guys! Here's my big request ^^

I'm creating a Pokémon game and I really need motivated scripters to make a battle script for my game !

And please don't say : there are starter kits blahblahblah

I don't care about it ! It's bad graphics, bugged system etc.

I really need a very good scripter to make my system. There are particularities in my battle system so it'll be hard to do the work (sorry for my bad english -_-')

Here are some screenshots to show the big need of a script to make everything doing fine (bahh bad english)


Because of the really huge work, I'll send details by MP to guys who are interested with my email to speak more easier. Thanks !!!!!





Is there someone who can help me here please ? =P

A question : if i make such a battle system like this (very complex) with events, is this possible or impossible ??



meybe if you had read the rules, you dont need the script you want the script people might not be responding due to your demanding of a good scripter. i would helop but am incapable of what yu are asking im not that good yet



lemox said:
Ok, i'm sorry. I'll do this with events lol ^^ A little bit difficult, but yes I'll do it -_-'

no thats nt what i meant you stated that you need this you dont need it you want it, thats stated in the forum rules just a reminder im sure that some one will try and make this just not for a while seeing as how CBS are soo time consuming that most dont want to



Ok if you say it ... Sorry ^^ So, I want it =P Can anyone help ? I know that's a bit strange to ask help like this but that's just my english who's very bad. In french I can do the request much better, and you seen my screens i'm serious and my project is like Acanthite, but just french ! Take a look to my website (not opened yet, because the project's still too 'young' ;


If someone can help me, I'll do the best to explain the situation. I've got the main architecture of the script project but It's very hard to do this just with events; i haven't got enough variables and switches to do what I want, so the battle system'll be a problem if we don't find someone =S Here are other screens ;


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