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Please Get Off Your High Horse, World

JakeyZombie;305402 said:
I'm not reading that whole first post, I read enough though.

I don't think I see America singled out too often, to be honest. If you haven't noticed, the media in your country tends to single out a lot of other countries/minorities, or is that just me?

I think Americans are pretty pretentious in my opinion.

This is the smartest post I've seen on this discussion.

Why people hates The United States of America (NOT America) well, I can say that the whole "America" (I laugh at this) is one point of it. It shows that US actually thinks that they're the only country on this continent called America. It's okay if you want to be called americans, since you lack an exact word, but to call your country america is one reason itself.

The other reason is that your government sticks its nose everywhere, since WWI to the other wars, God, I haven't seen a massive conflict on which the US didn't popped in.

Cuba didn't got away from communism when the USSR fell (the nation that the US feared and pissed its bed every night) and not many countries did it anyway (bien hecho Fidel!) because they simply didn't wanted to. "Hey, let's put on a commercial block to those com pigs"

And the continuous downfall since the new millennium.

To be more specific, since 9/11 your country got the one thing they didn't need more of. Patriotism. God, you're over-patriots you see :s.

9/11 was a (sad or whatever) excuse to begin sticking once again your nose into the World scene. Osama is from Afghanistan so the US bombed Afghanistan looking for him and didn't find him and won't (Bush and Bin Laden are great friends) but then the US went a bit to another country.

Iraq, the US' Oil Rival, "Hey, let's bomb Iraq, kill Sadam and get their oil *ca-ching!*" And so it happened. And in a moment when the US government was losing its popularity (yeah, much worse than now).

Can we say Iraq is better off without him? who cares? He was their ruler and you had no right to go and take over nothing. But of course, the oil moves mountains.

Can we say it's okay to hate the US? No, what it's waaayyy wrong it's the Bush admin, but thank Heavens he's leaving. I just hope that the new admin can contribute to make the US once again an appealing country.

But you could try to be less "Yes, God bless America and its soldiers killing the People of Iraq"

I wonder how the world could have been if Bush didn't cheat....
well, the US, like any other country is full of Idiots that give a bad name to their country...

Rednecks are pretty common at the whole "US is better than any other country and everyone else is an immigrant, all south america = mexico", etc... THAT usually throws people off :)

but I'm not saying everyone is that way, these people just are more common in America because they have more ways of being heard, etc than other smaller countries. that "OMG we's better than every1 else!LOL" thing just pisses people off

also, the US has been involved in some PRETTY SHITTY stuff.
when finding out this stuff I DO lose some respect towards the US. I still like it and most of its people, though :)

US is big and powerful, they're bound to get a lot of shit anyways...
PINEDAXP;305616":2bkrqbzl said:
I wonder how the world could have been if Bush didn't cheat....
Probably the same given:
- recent Florida recounts and research put Bush ahead
- The electoral college didn't like Gore.
I think once American's start realizing how valuable our country is then we would have more respect.

Here's an example:
Imagine you have a neighbor who has 2 kids one is always griping about how he/she is being treated. The other is happy...

Whats your reaction? It's probably going to be that you have a messed up family.

Americans need to come together and realize that all of our greatest historical moments have been when we were at a consensus.

The world doesn't like us because we lack self respect.

I can't tell you how many reporters I've seen write/speak/do things that damage our countries image. And then we have to many politicians who are obsessed with looking better then their peers. We need more politicians who are interested in doing the right thing for American and all the other countries in the world.
Honestly thousands of Americans have way too much self respect in themselves over their country.

Key example?
I live in an area where Mexicans line the streets on the other side of my block. They stand there -no matter the weather, they are actually more dependable than the post office: rain snow, my ass- and they have their work boots and their flannels and handkerchiefs. They stand there to be picked up by trucks to do manual labor, mostly in construction.

They get paid garbage.

People complain that these Mexicans are stealing their jobs. These people picket. These people also are the runs who refused the job. These are the ones who tried to screw over the unions and the city. These are the ones who started something very wrong. And they want the jobs back, that they won't work - why? Because I hear only one answer. "It's an American's job".

That's why some Americans have too much pride in the matter.
But to make it sound like no other country has this is completely laughable. If that was the intent I suggest someone actually go and visit other countries.

But then again, the US isn't perfect. But I haven't seen a single nation come any closer (OR further) to perfection than us.



“Cavemen with Nukes”

I’d say the world is a disgusting place, but in general America and England are disgusting places. I’m just generalizing here, not pointing at every single American / British bred child.

You steal Technology, You steal People. I mean, most members here are great people but their governments are ruining not just one country’s life, but several. Bush himself said that it wasn’t a war, this ‘trip to Iraq’ a few years ago. But now, he’s talking about World War III, so the world’s taking part in his war? Right?

It sounds like I’m saying… All Germans are Nazis, obviously not being the case. But your country made that generalization. Yes I understand my country (New Zealand) was the cause of the Nuclear bomb, but honestly? We produce amazing health discoveries (For instance, one of my tutor’s brothers is producing an artificial heart that will last for 5 years).

I personally get fucked off at the generalizations about New Zealand being a part of Australia. We have some of the most intelligent scientific minds in the world, even our artists and designers are good.

Everything is a conspiracy. :|
lol it sounds like your against Australia now.
I just wanted to point out something, Q made a good point. "Government" not "people". I have no problem with people putting down a government when they have a point, and I think they should be open to people doing the same to theirs (not talking about Q, we've already goofed on NZ and had a joke or two back and forth), but some people aim at "people" when they talk about a government. Or people look at another people, and don't look at themselves.

Look at Anglachel (did I spell that right? I can't look up at a post of his to copy the name of...) and me. We had a discussion on the gun control thread (and it did look hostile on my part I admit, though it wasn't intended), and he mentioned the shootings we've had here in the States. He made the foolish mistake of saying it doesn't happen there (though I'll give him credit, he did say "as I know" and "no one I know", which can end up being suitable in situations). I was able to post maybe 10 cases of "massacre killings" off of a book that only had one chapter on Australian (and it did include the neighboring regions just to show how little the book passed on the area, though I only named Australian incidents).

I don't think Anglachel is a problem, I like the guy honestly and the few jokes about klondike bars and such, but we people in general are so ready (and this goes for us Americans as well) to shoot off on another country as having a unique problem, and be ignorant to our own. Half the problems thrown at America (honestly) are problems that exist everywhere. But what do people do? They compare the good where they are, to the bad where someone else is. It's how we were raised.



(You can't just point your finger at America. Like I said, I wasn't generalizing the entire country but certain aspects. A woman I know, in her mid 30s, was pulled out of a phone booth in London I think, and was nearly strangled to death by a 13 year old. Also the whole privacy where there's virtually cameras everywhere. I'm British, born in Birmingham, so I'd love to defend my own country. But that was the reason why my parents moved here when I was younger, because they didn't want me growing up in England.

NZ always attacks Australia. :p)
I don't think I've ever heard anyone in this country ever say anything bad about NZ or Australia, ever, outside that hole-in-the-ozone thing. Come to think of it, only bad things I hear about other countries in general are either about the U.S., middle east, the Koreas, and China. Everything else in in jest.

@Q-Man: We "stole" technology? What have we ever "stolen"? You cited one example of a major breakthrough in medical sciene in NZ but you failed to mention that the U.S. is responsible for:

The Human Genome Project
The Hubble Telescope
The first Artificial Heart (Robert Jarvik)
Galileo (space craft)
The first moon landing
The Operating System
The Computer
The Polio Vaccine
The Spirit Rover
The Cervical Cancer Vaccine
The Optical Fiber
The Heart-Lung Machine (John Gibbon)
Carbon Dating
The Airplane
The Internet

And thousands and thousands of other things. You can't base a country's worth off of its inventors, though, since every country has its geniuses which make life better in various ways.

And for the record, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that all Germans are Nazis. I'm German in heritage.

It's unfair and a blanket statement to say that we're "cavemen".


Awesome Bro

The first moon landing

Also, the internet's come-uppance can't really be defined as a single "inventor". It's evolved from SO many different networks over time. But you are right, America did have the foundations (Networking information). And everyday I thank you guys for it.

Also, The same goes for Television. It was a collaborated effort from scientists all around the world. Me being English, I found this article relating to early TV. It's the efforts of other people's research that gave Philo Farnsworth the foundations to create a working device. No matter what you say, You can't justify that he alone invented the Television.

Above all, I'm more thankful to the Indian nation for bringing us the Kama Sutra. How did they come up with this shit, man?
People in Germany hold more hatred for the whole neo-nazi movement than any other people in the world.... So that stereotype is one of the more stupid ones..

EDIT; Also, everyone knows we never landed on the moon, it's a conspiracy!! D:
Amazing, yeah, those things make a great country yeah... no way, you did make things, so what? That doesn't make The US the heroes they think they are.

Most discoveries are based off advances previously made all over the world. Those "inventors" are nothing but recompilators of those knowledges.

And the US wouldn't succeeded in the Space field if the USSR didn't started it. (first man in space anyone?)

And, if the Sovietic Block didn't fall, the US wouldn't be on the stage nowadays. And in fact, they're getting aside by China and Japan, really developed countries.

I don't have anything against the US, but you should get off your high horse. Not the World.

The World is riding a pony. The US is riding a stallion. We know it.
Everyone has their own views that is what makes Individualism so great, but with that comes questions on why the authority figure in question is executing whatever goal it may be in the way they, as the authority figure, see fit.

The United States is one of those places that forces itself to get an extreme negative or extreme positive view placed on itself, granted it has changed over the years within The United States itself and the other countries around the world. However, the only way someone can accurately state their opinion about anything is if they have knowledge of facts that are in question.

I personally can never point fingers if you will at another country or even state within the United States because I do not know their history first hand.

On a side note- I am not a Bush supporter but i am a supporter of the Republican ideals.

There are many figures that play a part in the overall outcome of a Governmental decision and it is almost all decided by the Cabinet for the United states and those people are appointed by the President of the United States no one else.

And, there had been a poll taken on the city in the United States that most
"despised" Bush, and I say that very loosely, is Austin, Texas where his political career had started. (if it has been done again i am not sure)

There is my 2 cents. I would write more but i am crunched on time.
Pineda, I like you, but damn ...

PINEDAXP;305924":221sd5zb said:
Amazing, yeah, those things make a great country yeah... no way, you did make things, so what? That doesn't make The US the heroes they think they are.

Did you read my previous statement about how inventors don't make a country?

PINEDAXP;305924":221sd5zb said:
And the US wouldn't succeeded in the Space field if the USSR didn't started it. (first man in space anyone?)

You can't say that for sure. We already had a space program started; the cold war simply sped things up.

PINEDAXP;305924":221sd5zb said:
And, if the Sovietic Block didn't fall, the US wouldn't be on the stage nowadays. And in fact, they're getting aside by China and Japan, really developed countries.

You can't say that for sure, either. China and Japan are great world powers to be sure, and China'll definitely be taking the world by storm in the next few generations. But it's possible we'll have nuclear fallout and become a third world nation. It's possible an uncontrollable strain of the Bird Flu'll wipe out half of China. Nobody can say what's gonna happen. I'd much rather see Japan become the world leader instead of China, however, even if that's fairly unlikely. Mostly just because China is still a communist power. But even that could change.

PINEDAXP;305924":221sd5zb said:
I don't have anything against the US, but you should get off your high horse. Not the World.

Excuse me? Who's the one who is ALWAYS bringing up his qualms with the U.S., even in threads not about it at all? When have I ever said anything bad about any other country? And if you were speaking more generally, then did you read my first post? Most Americans I ever listen to hate on America themselves. I said I was tired of hearing it from everyone.

Sure, we support our troops. But after seeing how we treated Vietnam vets, we saw that despising our troops for the decisions their leaders make is retarded.

PINEDAXP;305924":221sd5zb said:
The World is riding a pony. The US is riding a stallion. We know it.

Is that why you keep bringing up how much America sucks in comparison to other countries? That's a tall ass pony.
:x, I gotta say, that was harsh, and well-deserved.

Though I figured I'd speak on the technology thing a bit... You all know who Thomas Edison is, right? The lightbulb guy?

Well he didn't really invent the lightbulb. He wasn't really even a scientist, he was a business man, and a damn fine one. He had a building full of people making anything they could, and every now and then he'd come by to see how they were doing, maybe offer an uneducated guess at a problem they were having. He was fascinated with science, but in no way a man of it.

And every technological development is built off the back of prior developments, by the logic of saying the US steals technologies, you can also say that everyone steals technologies from the original founders of language, since after all, what would get done if we couldn't talk? The artificial heart your tutor's brother is working on is just an extension of the heart some American already made, which is an extension of many other things which etc. etc. Does the fact that it's development make it any less amazing? Will people not oo and ah at that new heart? Fuck no, your tutor's brother is awesome for working on something like that, even if it's 'stealing' technology.

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