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Planned Parenthood under attack



First off, to those who are unfamiliar, Planned Parenthood is an organization dedicated to offering sex education, birth control, and abortions to whoever needs it. These people are a godsend, and help woman in poverty receive abortions and birth control, which helps in reducing in the amount of gang violence. I live in the middle between the suburbs, the city and the ghetto, and the impact this place has on the well being of Colorado is noticeable. I'm fully appreciative of their work, and I'm glad they exist.

I found in my mail this morning a letter from planned parenthood, asking if our family supports their cause. They later went on to describe what the problem. From an alternate (and possibly very skewed point of view) this is the situation.

They’re pushing pornography and contraception onto young children – beginning in kindergarten. Now parents aren’t even safe to go shopping without worrying Planned Parenthood will pressure their kids into promiscuous lifestyles that will increase their bloated birth control and abortion profits.

What the fuck?

One of the most helpful necessary non-profit organizations in America is being protested by these furballs. I'm in total awe. Crazy radicalist Christians are such a stupid stereotype that actually seeing them in real life is almost like seeing a man wearing black makeup with red lipstick eating a watermelon. I cannot express how hysterically funny this is while also trying to make my point. So if I may, let me just post a few more links to help you understand how batshit bonkers these people are before we continue being serious;

http://www.christiancourier.com/article ... l-research
http://www.familysurvey.com/teen/sexual ... nence.html

Now that we have our giggles out of the way, lets continue.
Planned Parenthood makes a huge difference for many people in the United States. Too many people live in poverty and do not receive the proper sex education that normal school systems can afford. They give out free condoms and birth control pills, as well as emergency contraception pills. They offer legalized, safe abortions. Planned Parenthood is one of the friendliest, most necessary organizations in the united states, and it simply baffles me why anyone would actually oppose them. The people they're up against are a few clicks away from jihad!

I'm wondering what everybodies take on this is. I'm not sure what to ask, but merely to bring this situation to light. Thoughts?
This isn't new. This has been happening since Roe v. Wade. Before there was Planned Parenthood, people were defacing doctors' cars and sending angry threats to gynecologists.

People have been, and always will be, intolerant fucking religious asshole wingnuts who pretend to take the high ground when in fact they are no better than terrorists in tight-fitting sweatpants.

Will they do anything? Maybe. Will it affect anything in the long run? Probably not.
i love how they call themselves PRO-LIFE when really they're nothing more than ANTI-CHOICE (pro life my ass, having a baby could TOTALLY RUIN the lives of their teenage mothers)
Then don't have sex if you can't handle the consequences. It is upsetting to see so called Christians act like that though. They are a little too extreme for me. All I can say is don't have sex and to the so called Christians, take the bible in "context" and shut up.
Let's not start this "take the bible in context" argument that's been done so many times.  You can't take something in context when it's written so randomly in terms of specifics.  Even Leviticus, that nice book with laws that are very "extreme" even for many far right wing Christian Republicans, has little loop holes in context that totally destroy major points.  But that's another thread I think.  Context is nothing more than perception of a situation given some understanding of and in it's surroundings or events.  The "context" is nothing more than an opinion.

Planned Parenthood is probably one of the easiest targets in the world for those with a religious fever.  Personally I think anyone with any, even the most trivial and insignificant doubt, should look up such places and talk about things.  At the very least talk.  Having ANY doubt shows you have something major to talk about, no matter how trivial the doubt is.

It's unfortunate we live in a world where people feel the need to run over other peoples lives and beliefs.  How many people can honestly say they know, not just what's best in the long term, but what's best for someone else right this second?  I can't fathom the idea of being faced with such a huge life event, and not having any choice over it at all.

Even me, who would love to say he's pro-life, would never be able to.  It denotes that I'm anti-choice - which sucks because I was going to say that before I read des say it :x

I'm pro-life in a perfect world, but in the really real world I can't help but be, and support whole heatedly the pro-choice option.  When your 17 and you made a "mistake" and your parents will emotionally break you, your schooling is practically not an option (sure, people can say it is - but remember what I said earlier about this being the really real world), and literally no future...
Call it selfish, but try for that future.  More kids can come later when your ready.

S'funny how so many people would call a pregnancy a "mistake" or "miracle" when it's really just "mediocre".  There's nothing special about it, yet everyone throws titty tantrums when you decide to figure out what your going to do :\
The hatred of this particular organization stems from a sincere insecurity on the part of nearly all Christians about their sexuality.  Like with a lot of issues, there are precious few who truly understand their own religion, precious few who are really pure and are capable of belief without persecution.  These few are not the ones trying to take down Planned Parenthood.  They understand that destroying your enemies (as this is a culture war, and nobody is right) does not eliminate them, it only breeds violence and revenge.  Though, I've yet to see anybody bomb a church in reaction to the bombing of an abortion clinic.  The tragic masses of Christians that dogmatically believe a flawed version of their own religion (this includes a great number of preachers, too--indeed, if you know who a preacher is, and you don't go to their church, that preacher is not trying to teach his congregation, he's trying to sate his own vanity) are the ones that commit these crimes, the ones that fight in the political processes in the most underhanded of ways.  Indeed, their newfound political activism (they ignored the political process before the 80's) has succeeded in subjugating the people of the United States to an iron fist and cheapening the Christian faith.

Although, I will personally attest that the clinic (at least the one in my area) is incredibly unfriendly and intimidating.  I watched the movie Juno a few months ago, and the clinic in that movie reminded me incredibly of my own experiences.  But this isn't about teen pregnancy, it's about unwanted pregnancy in general.  Whatever problems they have are not the cause of opposition; I just wish they could be a bit nicer.

Evidence that some (misguided) Christians are waging a cultural war based entirely on sex.  This concerns the California ruling on same-sex marriage, a similar wedge issue based on the same principles that sex is specific to married couples (Christian married couples) and should not be subject to contraception of any kind.  God does not approve of you having sex, otherwise you would be having it.

"If we lose California, if they defeat the marriage amendment [Proposition 8], I'm afraid that the culture war is over and Christians have lost," the Evangelical leader Donald Wildmon confided to columnist Bill Berkowitz.
I really don't get some people.  Sex is a part of life.  You can't be OMG about it.  If these people are helping those who have made mistakes, then let them.  The ones who oppose it are essentially trying to make a woman's decision for her (thus being anti-choice).

I posted that to stay on-topic when I really wanted to post this bit.  When the California Supreme Court said that banning same-sex marriage was a violation of the Constitution (which it is), the people who opposed it wanted to create a law to override the Supreme Court's decision.  Think about that for a moment.  They wanted to break down the entire three branch system so same-sex marriage would be banned.  They basically said that keeping same-sex marriage banned was more important to them than maintaining a balanced political system.  I find that mind-boggling on multiple levels.
Diaforetikos":28k7xvif said:
Then don't have sex if you can't handle the consequences.

as much as i 100% agree that these extreme conservatives are wrong for opposing an organization that is only trying to help, i have to agree with this statement.

you can't only take the good parts of life, and eradicate the bad. it's part of the universal balance, there are good things in life, and there are bad things. if you are willing to accept the best parts, but not the bad parts, especially when the bad parts are consequential of the good, you're not understanding life, and the way the universe works. you have to know, and accept both, otherwise you'll be running scared for the rest of your life.

you want the good, and greedily, selfishly pursue it even with knowledge of the consequences, and when the bad comes you try to make it go away, instead of accepting it the same way you accept the good. this is delusional, and immature. this is why i generally have negative feelings towards women who get abortions. not because i have any moral beliefs against the process (i have nothing against the abortion as far as the 'killing', or anything like that), but because its (in MOST cases) a sign of incredibly irresponsibility.it's like a mulligan of monumental proportions, and its bad for your personal development, because it's taking the easy way out. it's like having someone is holding your hand through everything you do, and you don't have to actually face your problems any more.

i come from an urban, lower-class neighborhood. i know that some people just can't, and shouldn't have children because they can't afford to raise a child, or give him/her a stable home, or a quality upbringing, etc.. these are not the people i'm talking about. i'm talking about the people who have kids young (just STUPID young, like 16 years old) and want an abortion because "oh its going to ruin my life". this is just a spectacular show of irresponsibility, selfishness, and immaturity, and I feel it should come with consequences. (sorry if I somehow offend any young almost-mothers here)

i feel i need to specify my stance before anyone takes it the wrong way. this isn't a conservative "OMG YOU A WHORE" thing. i dont care about young people who have sex. i just have a problem with the mentality of the ones that act irresponsibly, and then turn to abortion like its an 'e-z- button'. this is no way to prepare anyone for the real world, where if you screw up, you screwed up, and you have to deal with it.

i believe i've gone off topic..
i an happy that there are people out there trying to help these kids who are making questionably unwise decisions. its even better that they are promoting safety and responsibility, which is greatly lacking in most of our society now-a-days. they are good people doing good things, and trying to make the world a better place. if your religion has clouded your common sense, that's your problem, but don't take it out on the good guys.
Ya know, I was going to post something like that, Cruelty.  Abortions are the easy way out, but the consequences of a parent who isn't ready for it are more important.  Besides it ruining the life of the parents, it also ruins the life of the child because their parents aren't getting paid as much as they would have had they gotten an abortion and continued in the school system.  We shouldn't make them ruin three lives (two if the father is unknown or doesn't take care of the baby) just to learn a lesson.  Also, we're overpopulated.  We really don't need more people on this planet, especially when their parents won't be able to take care of them.  Perhaps another punishment could be created, but I don't think we should ruin someone's life.  Even worse is that some would become desperate and "lose" their baby so they could continue with their life.
We're all video game people here, so I assume you know what I mean when I say that what you said, Cruelty, reminded me of the old hag in Radical Dreamers who said that Kid needed to give up what was most precious to her or the gears of her fate would remain locked in place...because the Mistress of Fate has been known to cast down those who have too great of fortune.  But just because the Mistress of Fate, or God, or Destiny, or whatever, has the right to cast them down, does that give you the right to pass judgement on them in their stead?
I'm about to be off topic with this, but why doesn't anyone see adoption as an option. Yes, its a longer process and could get a little complicated, but don't kill someone over that.
Guardian1239":29hjtt99 said:
Ya know, I was going to post something like that, Cruelty.  Abortions are the easy way out, but the consequences of a parent who isn't ready for it are more important.  Besides it ruining the life of the parents, it also ruins the life of the child because their parents aren't getting paid as much as they would have had they gotten an abortion and continued in the school system.  We shouldn't make them ruin three lives (two if the father is unknown or doesn't take care of the baby) just to learn a lesson. 
i clearly specified that the people who aren't in the position to raise a child in a stable environment are not the people that i am talking about; its the ones that dont want to do it just because they know its going to be hard, and it will encompass their life, so they turn to the easiest option, abortion. to call it 'learning a lesson' devalues my point; as these specific individuals are not simply missing a point, or a lesson, theyre rejecting reality.

mewsterus, i've got no idea what you are referencing, and i can't say i really understand what you were getting at, but are you saying i'm being too judgmental?
Radical Dreamers was a video game made by Squaresoft for the Satellaview module for the SNES.  It was originally only released in Japan (as the module was exclusive to Japanese markets) but a translated version is circulated around the internet that can be played using an emulator.  And my point is, yes, you're being too judgemental.  I was mostly taking a stab at religious people who would justify their actions by saying it's what God wanted, when if that's so then God has their immortal soul to punish for sin, and he probably doesn't look too favorably on the people who would play God by punishing in his name.

As for adoption, whenever I hear that as an option I can't help but think of the hundreds of thousands of children in orphanages, waiting to be adopted.  They never will be because a newborn baby is so much cuter.
Diaforetikos":3cf4gg4d said:
I'm about to be off topic with this, but why doesn't anyone see adoption as an option. Yes, its a longer process and could get a little complicated, but don't kill someone over that.
Because adoption isn't always an option.

You have school.  You have to make money, so you are working a job.  Your going to graduate this school yea..aohhh.., you got pregnant.
Carry out the childhood, get in trouble at school - because yes, some schools actually tell you to leave, to this god damn day, and risk health problems for any other reason.

Sometimes, getting pregnant can hurt people.  Sometimes it's not worth the hurt for adoption.  That's why.
Cruelty":1enyafqv said:
Guardian1239":1enyafqv said:
Ya know, I was going to post something like that, Cruelty.  Abortions are the easy way out, but the consequences of a parent who isn't ready for it are more important.  Besides it ruining the life of the parents, it also ruins the life of the child because their parents aren't getting paid as much as they would have had they gotten an abortion and continued in the school system.  We shouldn't make them ruin three lives (two if the father is unknown or doesn't take care of the baby) just to learn a lesson. 
i clearly specified that the people who aren't in the position to raise a child in a stable environment are not the people that i am talking about; its the ones that dont want to do it just because they know its going to be hard, and it will encompass their life, so they turn to the easiest option, abortion. to call it 'learning a lesson' devalues my point; as these specific individuals are not simply missing a point, or a lesson, theyre rejecting reality.
Sorry if I missed something in your post.  After a while, the words start to blur together and I miss some of the details.  However, it seems to me that any teen parent is in the same position.  Maybe one will get more support than the other, but their lives are still, in some situations, ruined.  If a teen parent's parents are willing to look after the baby, then that's not a huge deal and I don't see how abortion is a good decision.  However, if they are left to take care of the baby by themselves, they will still be strained.  It's not just monetary, but also social.  Teen couples usually don't last long, unfortunately, although there are those that work it out.

Did that make any sense?  I'm too tired to tell at this point.  Maybe I'll be able to think better after some rest.
to call it 'learning a lesson' devalues my point; as these specific individuals are not simply missing a point, or a lesson.

but it IS just learning a lessson. you seem to have no other REASONING than "lol they should have known better"

, theyre rejecting reality

um...no? abortion is a REAL THING it's not some magical fantasy in the realm of makebelieve. getting an abortion is EMBRACING REALITY more than anything because you're looking into the future of yourself and your potential child and making the best decision, rather than just oh cool im pregnant *goes with the flow*
Whatever happened to cutting up the vagina and sewing it together? Worked well back in the good old days!

At the end of the day it's such a nebulous situation that it really can only be treated best on a case-by-case basis (abortion.) All the more reason for governments, religious folk that give religion a shitty name and everyone else with an opinion who isn't preggers, or the parent of one who is preggers, or married to one who is preggers out of people's skirts (damn that's a fun word to say: "preggers").

Religious folks try taking down Planned Parenthood, this sucks. Hopefully the law will step in, go "lol" and stop this nonsense.



That was one of the best posts Ive ever read. Kudos to you, Ixis.

Abortion is an absolutely normal and accepted practice under today's jurisdiction. If you think about it as well, when a woman gets pregnant, its from 1 sperm making contact with 1 egg. All the other 399,999,999 sperm just wind up dying in the uterus. To some people, that means your uterus is a sperm graveyard for billions souls. How awesome is that? /sarcasm

steve buscemi's internet browsing history (chimp porn)":1x6y100l said:
Diaforetikos":1x6y100l said:
I'm about to be off topic with this, but why doesn't anyone see adoption as an option. Yes, its a longer process and could get a little complicated, but don't kill someone over that.
Because adoption isn't always an option.

You make a good point later in that post Sixty, but I'd also like to point out that most states allow for any mother to drop a baby off at any police station/fire station etc. up to three days after the baby has been born, and the station will be obligated to take care of them. Although that's a pretty shitty solution.

Having a child as a teenager will fuck things up. Kids (me included), wear a condom. Masturbate. Cuddle. There are solutions and day after pills that can be taken if bad turns to worse, and abortions are absolutely fine as well. If you can put antibacterial soap on your hands and kill thousands of bacteria, you would be doing the same with any form on contraceptive. Plus, I'm sure your little baby would've become the next Hitler, knowing you.

Also, did anyone read The Chick Publications Thing? That guys being 100% serious.
FAGGOT I'm fully aware of the laws that allow a mother to drop off an infant to churches, firehouses, hospitals, police stations and the sort.  I fully support these, since all that happens is the kid gets moved to an orphanage or is adopted on the spot, and is kept healthy (as healthy as their guardian will allow though - knowing many situations more disgusting than abortion could ever be!)  Perhaps instead of saying adoption isn't always an option, I should've said "carrying a baby for X amount of months is not always an option".

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