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Pixel Challenge 1: Sci-Fi Platformer

For future challenges, would you prefer smaller challenges or longer deadlines?

  • Smaller challenges

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Longer deadlines

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • It's fine as it is

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
Man, that's really looking amazing Peri, I don't even have much to say. That tree looks like its going to be amazing when it's done.

Hopefully mine can turn out at least half as good as that.


Awesome Bro

Lol yeah I'll have to get working on something if I want to win, but time is pretty much an issue at the moment, and I might not even get the chance to finish... or start anything, lol.



aaaaaaaaarghaergrgarhahrgrhgrhgarhgargha my computer didn't save my character sprite D:

that sets me back like two hours D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: :cry:
Tiny, that sucks. :( I hate it when that happens.

How are the rest of you doing on your things? I'd like to see more WIPs! I am currently unable to work on mine because my AC adapter died again.



Here's my start..(if i can update later that would be great.)

Not surprisingly, I had more trouble with the sprites, I still have a hard time working with making them. I'm probably going to remake the mock up map/layout when I submit the real one, this one isn't working out at all. And I still have no idea what to do with the background :blank:



oy, piggman, that's looking good D:

I would think you could just make rocky silhouettes for the background, no?



have I ever mentioned just how much I *loathe* making sprites from scratch? It's just something I can't seem to do right.

Hey, looking good, guys! Unfortunately I'm still having technology issues, so I'm not gonna get my shit done in time.

You have ONE DAY to finish your stuff! Submissions are due at midnight tomorrow. Hop to it!
Well, putting up the next challenge is going to have to wait until I rid this machine of viruses. If you think you can get something done a couple days late, I'll accept it. :\ The turnout ended up being really underwhelming. This was probably too ambitious, so maybe something easier next week.
Yeah sorry preihelom. I was interested in entering but I definitely have no time for making a whole scene mockup. That's some serious effort.
Perihelion":34yn7ja0 said:
Well, putting up the next challenge is going to have to wait until I rid this machine of viruses. If you think you can get something done a couple days late, I'll accept it. :\ The turnout ended up being really underwhelming. This was probably too ambitious, so maybe something easier next week.
Yeah, if it's something smaller I might enter. I tried, but all I ended up finishing was a waterfall >.>
I think it started off really good actually, there were quite a few people with WIPs, there's definately enough interest in the contest itself. Maybe something simpler and more people will be able to finish.

I should have mine done tomorrow, been working on the Background tonight. Then all that's left is palette adjustment.
Yeah, I figured this was probably too much work. Okay, something smaller next time. Twirly has requested desert tiles, so we'll be doing that.


Hmmm...yeah I was working on something more complex for the background but it ended up being way too busy when I added it in. Sometimes simple is best I guess. I'll go ahead and say this is the one I'm submitting, though If the contest is extended I might go and change a few things here and there. (I wanted a new map too but this one turned out alright and I didn't want to mess with it.)
Perihelion":3gm4jbyt said:
Yeah, I figured this was probably too much work. Okay, something smaller next time. Twirly has requested desert tiles, so we'll be doing that.
Something smaller or longer contest time would be great. But I liked how you had Snes theme and hope you continue with having some restrictions on the contests. I also hope you'll have different views (platform, 3/3, top down etc) too.
I'll propably enter the next contest if I have time and think I can draw something that looks at least ok.:)

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