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Pixel Art workshop

I've decided to start spriting again, and to get myself started, I made a simple Sword.

I'll be posting more here soon. Comments and Critique here.
hooray for pixelart :)


First things first. The lineart is almost flawless, but the palettes are very pale and have no contrast whatsoever.
It also looks like you used different lightsources "compare the handle to the lemmet".

keep on pixeling, and improving :)
Thanks Greenie my friend. I had trouble with the palettes, yes. It's hard for to make a good palette for my metal, because metal isn't just gray. It can be tinted blue, yellow, and red even.

I'm not going to redo the sword though. I'm going to move on, as I hate doing things over.

I'll update the first post with my next piece very soon.

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