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Pixel Art WIPs/Small Things Thread

Whipped up some test/mockup assets for the inventory overhaul in my gamekit/SDK:

Item 1 is a glove, 2/3 are weapons, 4/5 are armor, 6/7 are shields and 8 is just some misc test item
My instincts tells me you should keep outlines dark on top and on the sides. But keep the bottom light. So that it's grounded but contrast with the rest of the edges creates separation.
The exception being that stump. Since from a distance the outline on the bottom looks more like a side in shadow.

Lighting isn't 100% correct at all, but not sure I will change that as it looks visually a bit more pleasing having the right side slightly illuminated.
The screen perspective is incorrect too on the right hand side, however I needed this to fix within 50px, fixing that error will break past that.

EDIT: Made some small changes. Improvement?
Wasn't originally going to do this but I decided to try making a classic GBA in the same pixel art style:

This is a first-pass of detail and softening after a simple colour block-out. Lots of stuff to improve here still.

EDIT: Further tweaks
Can't seem to quite get the battery pack alignment right. Everything feels slightly off.

EDIT2: Happier with the battery cover on this one and the shape feels better.


Awesome Bro

Never actually used Aseprite before, decided to give it a try today with the trial on their site, and within ten minutes bought it from Steam, it's only like £8 or something anyway lol. Been using it for about an hour now, it's quite a nice little tool for pixel art, and especially animating pixel art.


Awesome Bro

Opened Aseprite for the first time in about six months, had a look at the various colour palettes to pick from, and decided to try using the Game Boy palette... not gonna' lie, it's tricky when you've only got four colours and two of them are almost identical shades... but I'm quite happy with the outcome. EDIT; Coloured in versions added, also some slight changes to shading (Used the same colours for both because /effort with different colour schemes).



Awesome Bro

Decided to revisit Aseprite and pixels in general for the first time since, well, I made those sprites in the previous post, lol... I see pixel art hasn't died here yet :wink:

Basically just recreated my Twitch avatar using my new template, mostly out of curiosity, but I really liked the outcome, so I decided to add my cat Milo into it too... yeah, my original one looks like arse but to be fair it's also two different styles, and it was made using some pixel art app on my phone a looooong time ago, so it was way overdue;



Awesome Bro

Yeah me too actually, I do enjoy low res styles too, but with this new one I'm able to add so much more detail, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't struggle trying to fit my cat into there lol, without his tail he's like 9x17 pixels or something, took me a few tries to get him looking just right but think I nailed it. Might post the male and female templates at some point for anyone that's interested, although I want to make a few more variations of each beforehand. They're not animated in any sort of way, basically just for posing and such, which is still fun... although I'm considering trying to make something animated at some point too.
Lately I've been working overtime on a game project togheter with my team but during the breaks I relax by doing even more pixelart...
Enjoy some fanart pixelart from breath of fire.




P.s I relized too late that the first 2 were enlarged 300% while the other were only 200%
Oh well!

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