[work in progress] You start off at an island with no reason or rhyme; where you learn the basics of being a pirate taught by Davy Jones. After completing the first "tutorial" dungeon, you depart but run into a treacherous storm and crash land on an island. The townspeople take you in and make you a part of their community. The island you crash land on is full of forests, dungeons, puzzles, enemies, and much more lurking within. It's up to you to find out the mysteries that lie within Pirata!


-100% Custom Soundtrack by PloKoon
-rich storyline
-complex puzzles
-much more!

Caribbean Pirate
Singaporean Pirate
Voodoo Priest
Singaporean Pirate
Voodoo Priest

Server Host Wanted!
PM Me if you are interested in hosting the Pirata Server