(Click the banner, it leads to the demo!) (DEMO IS ONLY TESTED WITH CHROME)
Pindroid - Think pinball with Arkanoid (break-the-bricks) goals for some good old-fashioned arcade action, featuring very specific physics and special pinball events/upgrades. And, of course, missiles. And lasers. Thanks for the inspiration and opportunity!
It is all about breaking those bricks without losing a life. This is accomplished using your left and right paddles/flippers, controlled by (Z, Y, or Left Arrow) and (M or Right Arrow) respectively. As you blast your silver ball across the screen there will be several things happening - and this section will cover all of them. Every time a silver ball touches a paddle, your paddle meter (lower right!) will increase slightly. Every time any ball touches a bouncer, your bouncer counter gauge will increase by one (in the lower left!). And every time your pinball hits a brick, it does damage....two hits will destroy it. Destroy a brick with a silver ball? Great! There's a 10% chance ANOTHER silver ball will spawn for you. What a great game!
If your paddle meter gets 2/3 full, a notification appears letting you know that you can lock in lasers, if you choose. Press (CTRL or Up Arrow) to lock in lasers. This resets your paddle meter to zero, but the next key (any key) you press will fire powerful lasers from each paddle that cuts through all the bricks in their path. Very useful! On some levels! Other levels, it's a little more strategic to NOT lock in the lasers and fill the paddle meter all the way. When this happens a Magic Orange Ball will spawn. What's this? Another ball? Oh, indeed. When the orange ball touches a brick, it will damage the brick, but it will also spawn...another orange ball. You can get up to 5 of these things going around the screen at one time....earning you points faster, hitting bouncers easier, etc. If you lose an orange ball....it's ok! No life lost. Just keep that silver ball going! Because if you lose a silver ball, you lose a life...but you also lose half your paddle meter that you've been working so hard to fill.
Bouncers. They....well, bounce pinballs that strike them. Can't really call them anything else. Hit any of the bouncers a total of five times with any pinball (check that bouncer counter!) and a notification appears telling you (very importantly) that your bouncer rockets are ready to fire. Press (any key) to fire the rockets, which fly directly to bricks and destroy any they touch on contact. Don't lose that silver ball though...your bouncer counter will reset. Oh no!
Points? Points. Points are important, not just for bragging rights. Paddle hits, brick hits, ball spawns, bouncer hits, missiles launched, lasers fired.....all get you points. Every 300 points, a Red Bomb Ball will spawn. This ball, when it strikes a brick, sticks to it and explodes. This destroys the brick it's touching and will spawn you another silver ball in it's place. To earn more points with. Lose a brick, get another pinball....yes.
Pay attention to the starting brick formations for each level as some are kind of cool and took some complex maths to formula in. Haha! Just kidding! Nobody cares about that! Pay attention because you want to be using the correct strategy for each level....some levels scream out for the lasers, others almost demand the Magic Orange Ball be spawned. But whatever you do....keep at least one silver ball on the screen at all times.
Pindroid was developed entirely by me using the Free Version of Construct2. This game was tested using the latest version of Google Chrome...other browsers/platforms will load with varying results in game play speed and sound. Credits given to artists in the game who provided free material on other websites for sprites and sounds. This is my first major project with Construct2 and the overall experience of learning and participating in this contest has been amazing...thanks to all that played and to all that posted.
Due to the sheer number of hours spent on this I would appreciate a heads-up to anything you may want to include this game in, blog/forums/arcade/example wise. I will almost certainly miss it due to my haphazard style of browsing these forums by randomly clicking on things that look cool. Thanks!
((Demo Updates))
Final Final Entry and this is why you double check...fixed Instructions Page so all text shows. Ok. That's it.
Final Entry (03/31) - Levels 1-15, with a bonus ending screen.
Demo (03/29) - Levels 1-10!
-ADDED Lasers Activated Via CTRL or UP arrow, still ANY key after that to fire. (@BlueScope, @decanos78)
-ADDED Bouncer Rockets fired via ANY key (moved from JUST space bar) (@BlueScope, @decanos78)
-Changed bricks from dull gray to black with neon blue outline, they stick out a little more...less blurry (@Venetia)
-Moved "Level : " Indicator to just a single flashing/floating/disappearing number that appears at the start of each new level (@Venetia)
-Got level rebuilding down to one event....uhm. This could get hilariously long. (@rosareven)
-Fixed possible "Bouncer Rockets" indicator message bug at the end of level
-Fixed possible "Lasers" indicator message bug at the end of level
-Fixed definite Bouncer Rocket Indicators not resetting at the end of level (the graphics still showed....the variable reset)
-Fixed possible crash scenario when Bouncer Rockets that were fired collided with single brick at the same time as the Paddle Lasers with one brick left (I figure if that's even a sentence,
(Hey, it's my minibanner! It links to this thread!)