I am wondering how to make the gold value in the menu stay centered. So, instead of the value just increasing the numbers to the left, it also pushes the G at the end, right. Anyone know how to do this easily?? Thanks
Edit: Also, I have another question, not directly related to this.... How would you overide window_selectable in Scene_Main so that when you press left, it moves the cursor "up", but it shows it moving left. I have a menu, where there are pictures for the options, and they go horizontal. It's set up so that there is a cursor that moves to each option with a set X,Y coord. I want it to be so that you can press left and right, instead of up and down, to change options. But I only want it in Scene_Main, no where else. What little section of code would I need for that? Thanks again....
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Edit: Also, I have another question, not directly related to this.... How would you overide window_selectable in Scene_Main so that when you press left, it moves the cursor "up", but it shows it moving left. I have a menu, where there are pictures for the options, and they go horizontal. It's set up so that there is a cursor that moves to each option with a set X,Y coord. I want it to be so that you can press left and right, instead of up and down, to change options. But I only want it in Scene_Main, no where else. What little section of code would I need for that? Thanks again....
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