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Pictorial HP/SP on Map HUD Please!

I didn't think I should detract from Mea's topic [pictorial HP/SP indicators. Do able?] so I've made my own. I'd like an on-map HUD that shows a row of hearts for HP and another row of something different I haven't decided on for SP. I'd also appreciate a blue bar for Exp if you don't mind. I'd like them to 'peel' back just like Mea's vials but horizontally across the row (right to left).

try this? It doesn't really do anything yet but It will work if you call it.

class Bitmap
  def draw_2pic_gradient_bar2(x, y, current, max, background_file, bar_file)
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud(background_file)
    self.blt(x, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud(bar_file)
    w = Integer(bitmap.width * (current / max.to_f))
    self.blt(x, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, w, bitmap.height))

x = position on x-axis
y = position on y-axis
current = Current amount of bar
max = maximum amount bar can be
background_file = Background fle name in pictures folder
bar_file = file of bar picture

and you could probably change the files using conditional branches. It would be kinda laggy but that's the only way I know how to do it.

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