a.k.a.: the only watchable show on The Disney Channel since 2007.
It is my honest opinion that Phineas and Ferb is one of the best shows on TV right now - animated or not.
Phineas and Ferb is created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh, who worked on shows like Rocko's Modern Life, Family Guy and The Simpsons. The two conceived the idea for the show when Povenmire drew a boy with a triangular head at a restaurant, and the rest of the show spiraled from there. For the next 16 years, the two tried pitching the show to several networks including Nickelodeon, but it was rejected for being too outlandish and bizarre.
To the surprise of both Povenmire and Marsh, Disney decided to pick up the show in 2006. Phineas and Ferb premiered in 2007 and since then, has become a worldwide hit among children and adults alike. It's been nominated for four Daytime Emmys and won one, as well as a myriad of other awards and acclaim.
It's just an awesome show.
The main characters are the titular Phineas and Ferb, two ingenious stepbrothers who are tasked every day with finding something to do during summer vacation. They usually come up with some outlandish invention or construction, such as a teleporter, a roller coaster, a haunted house, or giant fightng robots - much to the distress of their teenage sister Candace. The boys manage to create these incredible machines without the knowledge of their parents, and Candace tries every single episode to bust them.
Phineas and Ferb also own a platypus named Perry, who, unbeknownst to pretty much everyone, is secret Agent P. Agent P is summoned every episode to thwart the efforts of Dr. Doofenschmirtz, a mad scientist who fails at every evil thing he does.
As Phineas and Ferb mess around with their invention, or snow-covered mountain, or backyard beach or whatever, Agent P manages to stop Dr. Doofenschmirtz from trying to take over the tri-state area. The climax of every episode is an incredible denouement, in which the destruction of Dr. Doofenschmirtz' invention also destroys Phineas and Ferb's invention - seconds before their parents arrive. Which, of course, pisses Candace off.
Also, there's a musical number nearly every episode. They're all great, too.
It's a very formulaic show, but that's actually one of the fantastic things about this show. The majority of episodes play out this way, but it's done in a way that feels so fun and organic, you hardly notice. The show pokes fun of itself all the time, and frequently makes references to how things tend to play out the same every day.
Phineas and Ferb is great for so many reasons. Povenmire and Marsh made sure to not create any characters that were mean-spirited or rude - every character is awesome and likeable. It's 11 minutes of fast-paced, high-excitement FUN. The songs are catchy as hell and it's just so awesome to watch a show that's innocent, entertaining, and pure. It's never mean, it's never LOLWACKY, it's never preachy. It's just a fantastic cartoon.
Anyway. You should definitely watch this show. For some reason, it doesn't get NEARLY as much e-cred as shows like Adventure Time or Regular Show (or My Little Pony). I think it's just as good as AT and RS in most ways, and even better in some. It's MASSIVELY popular outside the internet. I've never understood why people don't go nuts for it online. vOv
Watch these clips because they're cool.
(go to 8:20)

It is my honest opinion that Phineas and Ferb is one of the best shows on TV right now - animated or not.
Phineas and Ferb is created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh, who worked on shows like Rocko's Modern Life, Family Guy and The Simpsons. The two conceived the idea for the show when Povenmire drew a boy with a triangular head at a restaurant, and the rest of the show spiraled from there. For the next 16 years, the two tried pitching the show to several networks including Nickelodeon, but it was rejected for being too outlandish and bizarre.
To the surprise of both Povenmire and Marsh, Disney decided to pick up the show in 2006. Phineas and Ferb premiered in 2007 and since then, has become a worldwide hit among children and adults alike. It's been nominated for four Daytime Emmys and won one, as well as a myriad of other awards and acclaim.
It's just an awesome show.
The main characters are the titular Phineas and Ferb, two ingenious stepbrothers who are tasked every day with finding something to do during summer vacation. They usually come up with some outlandish invention or construction, such as a teleporter, a roller coaster, a haunted house, or giant fightng robots - much to the distress of their teenage sister Candace. The boys manage to create these incredible machines without the knowledge of their parents, and Candace tries every single episode to bust them.
Phineas and Ferb also own a platypus named Perry, who, unbeknownst to pretty much everyone, is secret Agent P. Agent P is summoned every episode to thwart the efforts of Dr. Doofenschmirtz, a mad scientist who fails at every evil thing he does.
As Phineas and Ferb mess around with their invention, or snow-covered mountain, or backyard beach or whatever, Agent P manages to stop Dr. Doofenschmirtz from trying to take over the tri-state area. The climax of every episode is an incredible denouement, in which the destruction of Dr. Doofenschmirtz' invention also destroys Phineas and Ferb's invention - seconds before their parents arrive. Which, of course, pisses Candace off.
Also, there's a musical number nearly every episode. They're all great, too.

It's a very formulaic show, but that's actually one of the fantastic things about this show. The majority of episodes play out this way, but it's done in a way that feels so fun and organic, you hardly notice. The show pokes fun of itself all the time, and frequently makes references to how things tend to play out the same every day.
Phineas and Ferb is great for so many reasons. Povenmire and Marsh made sure to not create any characters that were mean-spirited or rude - every character is awesome and likeable. It's 11 minutes of fast-paced, high-excitement FUN. The songs are catchy as hell and it's just so awesome to watch a show that's innocent, entertaining, and pure. It's never mean, it's never LOLWACKY, it's never preachy. It's just a fantastic cartoon.
Anyway. You should definitely watch this show. For some reason, it doesn't get NEARLY as much e-cred as shows like Adventure Time or Regular Show (or My Little Pony). I think it's just as good as AT and RS in most ways, and even better in some. It's MASSIVELY popular outside the internet. I've never understood why people don't go nuts for it online. vOv
Watch these clips because they're cool.
(go to 8:20)