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Phantasy Star 4 like CBS


U can see the picture shows the original battle system from RMXP...
All i want to change there is that when a certain character attacks a monster, instead of him just flashing and the monster losing his health, i want the char battler to go in front of the monster to attack. And of coarse I want that the battler change when that happens to an Attacking battler, so it would be 2 (or maibe 3 to be more animated) battlers per character, one when hes standing waiting for his turn, and another when hes attacking.

Got it?

Maibe there is already a CBS like this, but i didnt found one, so please link me if thers one allready.


btw, sry for the poor english...


As requested, im posting some screenshots of Phantasy Star 4...
http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4392 ... 000kj5.jpg[/IMG]
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/7632 ... 001ji4.jpg[/IMG]

First image, just like RMXP original battle system.

Second image, u can see the character attacking the monster, and thats what I was trying to explain.

I hope thats its clearer now.


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