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Pet PC 2 - Now it's back

This is my second work.

First of all I would like to thank Near Fantastica for "Path Finding-Script" and Tamo_Konichi for "Scene_Credits".


Pet PC 2 is the second version of my first game Pet PC which I'm going to upload soon.
The idea came from Nintendogs. I liked it so much, so that I made my own.


You get a dog and must spend some time with it. You must feed it or play with it and you can explore a small but playful world.  :wink:

Sorry, no demo yet!

  • Mapping: City, Home, Underground, Supermarket
  • Functions: Buying dog food, Feeding dog, Buying railway ticket, Type in names for dog and character, Choose a color for your dog
  • Mapping: Market Place, Other Undergrounds, Railway Inside, Other houses in Hometown
  • Functions: Doing more with the dog, some little games to play, some useful items for pocket


I'm working on it, so you get a demo soon.

I hope you got interested.

This actually looks reasonably interesting. I'm not a huge fan of these "pet" type games though.

You don't really have very much information on the game itself as of yet. Try to give us more information, such as the locations or what you can do. Simulation games are usually fun, but they require more work that meets the eye and need a look of variable and switch work usually. I'm glad you use a "to-do list" though, as it's a great way of keeping track of what you have to do.

The mapping needs work, though. The first screenshot is the worst-not only does it have absolutely identical wooden houses in an absolutely symmetrical fashion, but they are made of wood. How many times have you seen wooden houses in a city? Not to mention that the other side of the road is absolutely blank, and the road sticks out horribly. This is an example of a better road:
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj32 ... r/road.jpg[/imgzoom]
See how it has more detail, like the little bumps and crevasses of ashfault? Try to strive for something along those lines.
(by the way, I got that road from here)

The major problem with the indoor maps is a common one among newer game makes: they are too big. See how it has so much empty space? Real houses do not, unless you're rich. Make them smaller (and when I say smaller, I mean use more of the ceiling auto-tile around the edges) to make them more appealing.\

The subway one looks alright by itself, but compared to the rest which are 99% RTP, it really sticks out. Of course, this isn't so much a problem as is the fact that there's no one there. How many times have you seem a subway completely empty like that? That's also kind of a problem with the other maps-they seem nearly void of life.

I'm guessing your first language is German (as seen in the videos) so I think you have a fairly good grasp of English. I hope you take my points into consideration. Good luck!

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