Diaforetikos":1nb898mg said:
Have you guys heard of the new chips they have of keeping track of children when they get lost or kidnapped. Duracell had a commercial supporting it. Sounds harmless right, but there gonna open the borders to Canada and Mexico soon. (this part is all theory) When they do, they may want to keep track of people. So chips would in people would be the best way. It'll become law for children to have it in them from birth. Subtle things like that will be overlooked...
Real quick kid, no offense I do like you actually, but come outside that li'l box. There's an entire world out here. I'd love to introduce you to. Have you ever seen a mother? A real mother? They get angry when the shot that's gonna cure their kid makes them cry, and will get defensive about everything - including taking a temperature.
I used to work at a doctors office, trust me. Fucking with a mother's baby is like... wow no, it's... umm.. wait... it's like fucking with a mama bear's cub. Okay, that's the only thing that comes close. Screwing with a mom, is like screwing with a mom. There's no analogy there, it's the top tier.
I may not have had a parent like that, and a lot of other people haven't, but even scum of the earth I know have. More often than not, a mother will tear into someone for hurting their li'l baby for a good cause (doctor giving a shot), let alone a BAD CAUSE.
There is nothing "subtle" about implants. You know how many people will fly for that one?
Go outside. Ask 100 people "Would you let the government implant you with a tracking device? Would you let the government implant your future child with a tracking device (or if they already had a kid, would you have let the government implant your child with a tracking device)? " When they both say NO turn around and say "Would you let the government implant a device, that they swore was not a tracking device?"
If you find one person that says yes - do me favor, hook me up with their phone numbers - I got a great deal if they wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge.
It will never. Seriously. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN (in the US).
Maybe North Korea? But the US?
That tracking device is purely optional, and has had a HUGE amount of backdraft. Merely because it could help someone, is the only reason it's still around. When the child grows up, they have to -by law- be notified of the implant if not already, and can opt to have it removed. What 18 year old will go "Nah, keep it in".
There were also bracelets. The GPS in phones, cars. None of those are mandatory. Why would this be?
I get angry if a cop follows me around the corner. I will stop and turn and ask "What's wrong?" I am not going to sit here and watch my kid be implanted, and I doubt I'm a minority.
Stop reading rehashes of the tossed out screenplay for 1984's remake.
Subtle? I'm sorry I... that was a very surprising thing to see.