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PENUMBRA Title Analysis

i like it very much, except for the text on the lower left of the screen, it looks really ugly, and the different colors make them worst...
umm..i think i would change the text color, because that the default red, and even though it fits very nice, it looks like you did no effort on doing this title (i'm not saying that you didn't, k?). but overall, it's really nice =)
No, i think the text is ok. A little plain though, you might want to add a fancy, large border on the sides (fancy like your text).



i like it. but yeah, you should really increase the brightness on the red text. but its looking real nice



Hehe, I recognize some of those "ghosts"... ^_^

I like what you did with them though, it looks great!

I like the first one better, (just remove the text from the bottom)
the second one is also very good, although I would suggest useing less "ghosts" in it, or to spread them out a little. You cant tell the difference between them, and they look a little messy.

Great idea though! *goes to try*
The first one worked much better, imo, except for the text in the corner. Without it, it would be pretty much awesome. :)
And, yes, I do happen to think that the original "Penumbra" text color was just fine (it actually fit perfectly with the title for some reason...)

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