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Penicl to Final - exactly how does that work?

OK, I don't know how many times I've attempted and failed;
I cannot find the right steps for making my final image look good. I'm fine, good actually ( my opinion), at the pencils, but the lineart and the coloring on the omputer doesn't work! I've tried different approaches, but I can never get it right.
If you know the right steps, please help me by explsining them. It would be highly appreciated.

What I mean:
You should be proud if one of these drawings are yours:
http://i401.photobucket.com/albums/pp95 ... /b_con.jpg
My avatar ( better quality, of course)
Celstias Ferrum ( ithink that's how you spell it )
http://media.photobucket.com/image/mang ... /bereu.jpg

here's my photobucket, for example sof what I can do:

You need to have a good understanding of lighting. That's the most important thing for the coloring as it's what give volumes to things :) Studying traditionnal painting is a good thing for that.

The line art, by definition doesn't care about those things, and a proper line art is just a clean drawing with "pure" black lines and no shadows at all.
What I think you meant, is "inking" where "shadowed" part and line thickness matters to give the drawing a nice dynamic. for that the rule n°1 is: the line is thicker when it's opposite to the light source ( it sort of play the role of a shadow. )

Also when you start a new sketch :) try to work from "dark" to light instead of the opposite with the blank white page....
try in photoshop or whatever: a mid gray emptypage, and work with big strokes of dark gray, and then go lighter and lighter till pure white for highlights. it's makes the things a bit easier:) somehow the brain understands better like this... or at least, it does for me.

There is no miracle method:) depends of your style and such... but constant practice is the only key...and do be ashamed to use references :) not like copying a picture, but doing research and use them to help you :).
I kept overlooking that in my drawing books. Darker lines... hmmm :p
I still have to work on colouring, but this sort of helps!




MCsephiroth13":25cj94fq said:
What's a "penicl?" roflmao
Lol, yes, that is the way it seems these days!

as for me, i do pencil and paper. call me an old man stuck in his ways, but i believe you can never get the same look or feel with tablet as what you can with pencil.

anywho, i find with the line art, you need to draw it big! that way, when you go over each and every line with ink(or pen or felt or what ever), you can make the lines a different thickness, depending on what needs to be done! (you'll notice that two lines joining together at a point, say someone's elbow of outstretched arm, will have thinner lines at the point then each line of the forearm. If you know what i mean!
as for colouring, some people have a great gift atplacing detailed highlights and shadows in the correct place and make it look fantastic, but to start you should use(mainly, but with a few exeptions) basic colours with, say one or two, contrasting highlighs/shadows. As a very accurate acronym says: KISS (keep it simple, stupid). if you cn master simple, then you can advance. without simple, advanced looks like a giant bowl of oversalted, undercooked shite.

I do hope i've helped at least a little, and hope to see the next update
How big do you think pictures should be, NexS? I'm just curious because I'm always open for tips in my drawing.

And by the way, I agree that penicl is the best thing. It's simple and, if utilized well, can give a very classic, clean feel. I once saw a sketch of a shoe and I was like, "Whoah! That was done in penicl!? That looks great!" So yeah, penicl can be very interesting.



well A3 paper is a good size, sometimes bigger! if you can get your hands ona big scanner to scan in the image after drawing it, then you can scale it down on the computer. that gives you the best quality in details. as long as you do the detail well it can come out amazing :)

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