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PCJ 600 [W.I.P] (C&C please)



Just think... having the up/down/left/right animations wouldnt mean youd have to use them all to move...

The down or up animations could mean the mini game I spoke of earlier could be played vertically... the only difference is it would be more challenging because the shorter vertical size of the screen wouldnt allow for as much reaction time as the horizontal distance....

My 2cents worth anyways lol.



Me either.

Oh and if you used the 8 script to change direction (i,e, using the option that means up is forward and left turns 45degs left / right turns 45degs right... Implimenting a speed update to the script that meant the longer you hold down the key, the faster the bike would go... turning anything more than 45 degs would slow you down greatly.

This could make a whole mapped race minigame...

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