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Passive Skill System




After battling against a Behemoth Stan levels up and recieves 10 skill points to distibute among his passive skills. He choses to up his Swordsmanship skill for 5 points and his Fire Magic skill twice for a cost of 2 & 3 points.

The swordmanship skill effects the amount of damage and speed of attack. Say the base attack for a wooden sword is 15. For each skill level of swordsmanship, it adds 10% more damage and increases agility by 10%. Since his swordsmanship skill is at level 5 his wooden sword would do 150% damage and his agility would also be at 150%. This also effects sword type skills. 10% damage increase and 10% cost decrease, but cost at level 10 and beyond is 1sp.

The Fire magic skill effects any spells that deal with fire. Fireball's base damage, without the elemental against elemental effects added in, is 25. For each skill level of Fire Magic, the spell does 10% more damage anf cost 10% less to cast, but at level ten and beyond, the cost will be 1sp for fire type spells. Since his Fire magic skill is at level 3, 130% damage and 70% casting cost.

From level 1 to level 10 you get 10 skill points per level. 11-20 you get 20 skill points. And so on.

Each skill level costs the value of the level. level 1 cost 1 point, 2 costs 2, ect...

That is my request. Thank you for your time.

EDIT:: Added Screenshots to explain it a little better. I didn't add the casting cost or agility modified, but you get the picture.
yeah me 2....here maybe ill explain wot a passive skill is...

they're skills that are always active and boosts ur stats or element effiecencies etc etc. the difference between this and an aura would be that you can only have one aura at a time....passive skills are always active!

the barbarians passive skills from diablo2 shows how it works perfectly i think.

oh and tdada i think this HAS been done before.....im not sure....but have u looked around?

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