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Party Switching Script (I searched already!)

Okay, so, I used the search and found some party switching scripts, but either 1) they didn't work because they were messed up and the poster hadn't edited it so people could use it, and, if they posted a demo, the demo didn't work either or 2) didn't work like I need it to (SephirothSpawn's for example). So, here's what I need, should anyone be able to give me one like this.

I need to be able to let the player switch their characters around by selecting a character and it moves into another list as the next on the list. However, it only allows 4 players max, and no reserve party members as I only need 4 characters (think RM2k3). I'm not very good at scripting, yet, and I don't understand anything about this kind of thing, so I wouldn't be able to make it myself. Can anyone help? I want it so that you have to access it via $scene = Scene_PartyChanger.new or something similar. Basically, i want to have it accessed via call script, not menu.
Um... and no reserve party members as I only need 4 characters (think RM2k3).

When you say that... how do you mean? When you're choosing your members out of a roster of (let's say) 6 and choose your 4 actors, your remaining 2 actors in your non-chosen list 'are' your reserve members. Even the Reserve Party System by RPG Advocate, as primitive as it is, seems to fulfill your basic necessity. And Alistor posted a merged version of it and Yargovish's Change Party Order script.

And in Alistor's edit, use $scene = Scene_ChangeParty.new(0) to bring up the Party Changer. Looks like he didn't have it return to the menu but exit to the map anyway. :D
That's it! A party order changing system! -smacks forhead- I'm such a blonde (I am one IRL o.o). Where can I get that, DerVVulfman? Cause that's what I'm looking for, is the party order changing system.
ALISTOR'S post. He combined the two!

Takes a little editing as he posted MOST of what RPG Advocate and Yargovish created... mostly...

Combined PartyChanger, Leader Select, and Menu Edit
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... SCRIPT.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
POSTED by Alistor (08-09-2006) / RPG Advocate (04-12-2005) and Yargovish (??/2005)
Custom Menu Add-Ons / Player/Party Systems
I didn't write these scripts. I edited the menu to allow players to access the party change screen from there, instead of from a call script event.​
But, the party-changing system IS 'menu-only' (ne'er seen one that wasn't).

As a reference for those reading, the original scripts can be found at http://www.phylomortis.com. You just have to go into the RMXP Info topic on the left side of the website.
Tamo_Konichi said:
That's it! A party order changing system! -smacks forhead- I'm such a blonde (I am one IRL o.o). Where can I get that, DerVVulfman? Cause that's what I'm looking for, is the party order changing system.

is that what u meant?
oh, boy!!!
i alredy have that...

baka me!!! ^_^
Oh...I need it so it isn't menu only, because then I can make "Order changing points" which are similar to save points...it just you're allowed to save anywhere in my game, so a party changing point is what I'd use it for...

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