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Party Record/Split/Rearm

Well, i need a system to split the current party, leaving only the leader, and then when you return to where you left the party, join it again.
Think of Near's SBABS, where you can leave all the other characters behind. Or something like Lost Vikings.
Well, i'd need something like this:

- Party trailing - caterpillar
- Press "leave party key"
- Record current party and order (Several characters, means several party combinations)
- Leave characters 2-3-4 on screen, on the place where you where when you pressed the key.
- set party as only the character that was the leader
- When you come back to the place where the other characters are and press the "join party key" (same or different as the leave party key), it will recuperate the party.

This is for making puzzles, like the ones in Lost Vikings, where each character had an special ability, that could open paths for the others.

Well, that's it. Thanks to whoever takes it.

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