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Parody: Robert Frost

All love and respect to robert frost, and i love the poem i'm spoofing here but parody is so much fun.
the subject matter is a little immature but i'm sure anyone can relate to it.

The Highway Stretches Endlesly
and here i sit in dull enui
but there shall be no stopping here
for lo, the tank is full i see.

the little chevy hugs the road,
bumoing and jumping and tossing it's load
and at a point i cross my legs
and at my parents prod and goad.

Father gives a stuborn 'No"
wagging his bald head to and froe
and though i cry and beg and moan
onward, stopless, we must go.

and so i squirm in agony
as road signs call out, mocking me
you've miles to go before you pee
you've miles to go before you pee
Ok, I laughed. I'm only familiar with Frost from school work, but getting the reference "made all the difference", as it were.

You break iambic pentameter in a few places, though.

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