# **** GENERAL CONTROLS **** #
# * Default Battler Style Switches
DEFAULT_ENEMY = false # If true, these switches allows the use
DEFAULT_ACTOR = false # of default battlers for actors/enemies
DEFAULT_ENEMY_ID = [] # Ids of enemies using default battlers
DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID = [1] # Ids of actors using default battlers
DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ACTOR = false # If true, restores the old 'red fade'
DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_ENEMY = false # collapse effect (using spritesheets)
# * Animation Frames and Animation Speed
MNK_SPEED = 4 # Framerate speed of the battlers
MNK_RUSH_SPEED = 1.5 # Melee/Skill/Item motion speed of the battlers
MNK_POSES = 11 # Maximum # of poses (stances) in the template
MNK_FRAMES = 4 # Maximum # of frames in each pose
MNK_FRAMES_STANDARD = 4 # Standard # of frames played in each pose.
# Individual Spritesheet Control Center
MNK_POSES_ENEMY = {1 => 4} # ID and # of poses for each enemy
MNK_FRAMES_ENEMY = nil # ID and # of frames for each enemy
MNK_POSES_ACTOR = {2 => 4} # ID and # of poses for each actor
MNK_FRAMES_ACTOR = nil # ID and # of frames for each actor.
# * Wooziness Rates
MNK_LOW_HP_PERCENTAGE = 0.25 # Health% for WOOZY pose.
MNK_LOW_HP_ACTOR = {7 => 0.50, 8 => 0.75} # Ind. health% for actors.
MNK_LOW_HP_ENEMY = {1 => 0.50} # Ind. health% for enemies.
MNK_LOW_HP_FLAT = true # If true, flat rate hp
# Editable Template (Some people wanted to change their template design)
MNK_POSE1 = 1 # Sets the 'Ready Pose' (MNK_POSE1) #1 in your template
MNK_POSE2 = 2 # Sets the 'Struck Pose' (MNK_POSE2) #2 in your template
MNK_POSE3 = 3 # Sets the 'Woozy Pose' (MNK_POSE3) #3 in your template
MNK_POSE4 = 4 # Sets the 'Block Pose' (MNK_POSE4) #4 in your template
MNK_POSE5 = 5 # Sets the 'Charge Pose' (MNK_POSE5) #5 in your template
MNK_POSE6 = 6 # Sets the 'Retreat Pose'(MNK_POSE6) #6 in your template
MNK_POSE7 = 7 # Sets the 'Attack Pose' (MNK_POSE7) #7 in your template
MNK_POSE8 = 8 # Sets the 'Item Pose' (MNK_POSE8) #8 in your template
MNK_POSE9 = 9 # Sets the 'Skill Pose' (MNK_POSE9) #9 in your template
MNK_POSE10 = 10 # Sets the 'Victory Pose'(MNK_POSE10) #10 in your template
MNK_POSE11 = 11 # Sets the 'Defeat Pose' (MNK_POSE11) #11 in your template
# Editable Template (for Custom Actor Spritesheets)
MNK_APOSE1 = {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE2 = {2 => 2} # Hilda is using a Charset graphic as a battler.
MNK_APOSE3 = {2 => 2} # The battler was copied into the Battler folder.
MNK_APOSE4 = {2 => 2} # This setup allows you to use Charactersets for
MNK_APOSE5 = {2 => 2} # battlers battlers.
MNK_APOSE6 = {2 => 3}
MNK_APOSE7 = {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE8 = {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE9 = {2 => 2}
MNK_APOSE10 = {2 => 1}
MNK_APOSE11 = {2 => 4}
# Editable Template (for Custom Enemy Spritesheets)
MNK_EPOSE1 = {1 => 2}
MNK_EPOSE2 = {1 => 2} # Did the same to the ghosts. Note that enemies have
MNK_EPOSE3 = {1 => 2} # no victory pose.
MNK_EPOSE4 = {1 => 2}
MNK_EPOSE5 = {1 => 2}
MNK_EPOSE6 = {1 => 3}
MNK_EPOSE7 = {1 => 2}
MNK_EPOSE8 = {1 => 2}
MNK_EPOSE9 = {1 => 2}
MNK_EPOSE11 = {1 => 11} # Setting the ghost to an invalid pose erases it.