very interesting discusion,
It is my Personal Belief that modern medicine is to blame for many many problems, too many people are allowed to survive where nature would have spared their inferior lives from the cruel existance of this world, too many children are born Preme or Autistic or with downsyndrome, because weak people are kept in the gene pool,
historicaly these geneticaly inferior people would have been weeded out by dissese or society,
so is geneticaly altering people the answer to this problem?
look the people around you, so many of them have such miniscule levels of comon sence that it is scary to think they are the people going to the polls and voting, that they are working things, in my opinion this is yet another result of this,
in the coming years we will unlock many of the secrets of the human genone, so what is to stop us from choosing whether our child is a boy or a girl, endowing them with innate tallents to make the child prodegies, "I want my son to be the next motzart, I want my daughter to be the next Izzac Nuton" or even more practical things, increased immune systems hightened resistance to cancer, people who are not geneticaly prone to diabetes.
but honestly where do we draw the line, we make all of your kids into Clark Kent and Steven Hawking, but what about the people in our gereation who arent quite rite in the head, the kinds of people covered in tatoos, with horns surgicaly implanted in their foreheads and their toungs split like snakes, whats to stop a person like that from saying " i want my son to have devil horns and bat wings" or "I want my daughter to be a little charab baby, she should have angel wings" or better yet, "My daughter should be a nekkojin, give her cat ears a tail and diamond shaped pupils"
genetic engineering may fix all the downfalls of inferior modern indivuduals, but you have to think about how you geneticaly altered children will be seen by society, growning up as the only kid in school that looks like a cat,
its inevitable that people will try to make transpecites (people composed geneticaly of more than one species) in fact i even put this in the game im working on to explain why people have fanciful animal parts.
Dissonance":39epflcq said:
lunarhiro2002":39epflcq said:
What? How does this make any sense?
One, genetics hadn't been discovered when Hitler was alive - the two subjects aren't related.
Two, had they been, Hitler would've been vehemently opposed to gene-based technology, except to possibly create biologicals tooled to target specific gene sequences. Hitler was interested in the extermination of other races and the rise (of what he believed to be) the ayran race.
sorry to double post but i just have to point out that yes it was discovered, mandel had already discoved genetics and more importantly that is exactly what hitler was doing, he was geneticaly controling his populous, he removed the peoples whom he belived to be inferior, Jews, Gypsies, Mentaly disabled, Little people, Homosexuals, anyone born with disablities.
the premice of this was to eradicate them to prevent inferior people from contaminating the genepool,
the fact is there are no inferior people, only inferior minds, Hitler being one of them. granted people are born with genetic disabilities, but those who overcome them are only that much stronger,
by my above statement you may think i would support allowing genetically disabled persons to die, well in concept its a good idea, but in aplication it is just cruel, it would be better to see these things ahead of time, while the child is still developing, they have tests that can be done during early pregnancy to determine if the child will be born autistic, and if you crack the genetic code completly you could examine an unborn childs DNA to see if there is anything wrong with it, then it would be the parrents descicion whether to abort the pregnancy in order to spare the child from what ever cruel life he or should would have to face and over come,
to be honest i would not have problems with people geneticaly altering there children, so longs as the alterations dont hinder the childs perception of the world or phsycological developement, for example you cant make a supersmart kid who thinks he is better that everyone else, he will grow up with a god complex, in the same sence you couldnt have your child grow up with physical features that would have them seen as a freak, even though i think people with angel wings would be beautiful, and wouldnt mind having them myself.
i say childs interests should come before the parrents wishes for the child
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