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Panda's Chibi Workshop!(Updated 11-12!)

Haha no it really does look like he's moonwalking, except forwards xD
I need to find some way to fix it =/
In the mean time:
Ho Ho Ho ^_^

I come up with the weirdest things sometimes..
It's Santa Claws >=D

FINALLY! This sprite's been driving me nuts for 3 days now, I couldn't get it's trunk right >.<
But I got it :thumb:
I updated the first post with all this new stuff :)
you need to stop it sliding so the foot sole should looke a little more like this:

__ -> \    / -> ___ \    /

instead of

__ -> __   __ .> ___ -> __  __ not sure if that makes sense?   
I have absoloutley no idea how to improve the side-view, I think it looks good.

Santa Claws rivals Santa Claus (cute idea)

The elephant is adorable. Keep going Panda!
New walk animation :)
I think it looks much better so if this is good then that'll mean the template is finished.
So I'll soon be doing the other frames for all the animals, and then getting to work on a Santa's Workshop tileset ^_^

Alicix, that made absolutely no sense to me but I think I may have still ended up doing what  you said anyway xD
Haha sorry Map Helper I really don't think I've got the time =/ I've got 3 other requests I'm working on right now plus I've gotta get all these animals done, the santa's workshop tiles, and then make it all into a game by December 15th. On top of that I've got school and teach a  dance class 3 times a week. Busy, busy, busy x_x
Sorry =/ I wish I could help but I really can't =(
I loved the first banjo Kazooie game, what was so fun lol. But then I sold my n64 :(

Great sprites, the mumbo mask could use a little more shading or something though imo. I know its not curved but it looks... blank... if you know what i mean?
Yeah, I think if I just upped the contrast it'd be much better but since I'm not actually using em for anything I'm not gonna bother xD
I'll have up the animations of some of the animals up later after I rake an acre of leaves to earn the money to pick up my Nutsnbolts pre-order x_x
I ran out of bags to put the leaves in ^_^ xD
Which means I've go the rest of the day to sprite and eat cookies :D
Finished the template:
http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2039 ... teriu4.png[/img]
Yes, I watermarked the shit out of it. I DO NOT want it used xD
Now imma get to work on the animals :thumb:

Notice to All
All the tiles I'll end up needing for my game(not the Christmas one) is going to be too big a job for one person and I wanna get started on it ASAP, so if anyone's willing work on tiles with me I'd be willing to share the template with them ^_^
Just hit me up a PM if you're interested!
Hehe, you could turn them into an animation for the forum. Ie, walks down for 4 seconds, left for 4, up for 4 etc etc.

It's looking great. Im not sure about the eye's refraction being just flipped with the side sprites, maybe they should always come from the same side?

I'd help with tiles if I could, but my tileset style limits me to very shape-based objects, instead of intricate styles etc.
Not sure what you mean iceblue. I never released any tilesets and all of the available characters are in the first post O.o
Sorry I haven't updated in forever guys, I'm gonna try to get a few things done this weekend ^_^ (maybe a few more animals, or I might try my hand at some VX monsters since there's a serious lack of them).
Oh, that's GreenRaven's Breeze Tileset. He's actually recently revamped it so you should be able to find it within the first few pages of Resource Analysis ^_^

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