Heres what you can do:
- You create a state change like "overtime" that your spell will inflict on the character.
- Go to the troops tap and create a new battle event page and set the condition to Turn 0+1x and the span to "turn"
- make a conditional branch "if 'overtime' is inflicted" for every character and set it to heal that character.
- When your done, copy the event page to every troop battle.
Theres two way you can heal the character. One way is to use the change Hp event command that you can set up to increase a characters hp manually. But this way won't display the actual amount healed.
The second way is to use the Deal Damage command and use a negative number to heal. This will display the amount healed in green text in battle. But your target options are the 4 battle Actor slots 1,2,3,4; so you'll have to know which slot that character will be in at all times. If you're using muti-characters that will get rearranged then you'll want to use the first method. Other wise a character with the overtime healing could be in the 3rd slot but the 2nd character is getting healed instead.