An attempt at making a truly 8-bit jRPG. All resources are original, and made by me. The engine employed is RM2k3, with some patches by Cherry. (special thanks to him for the 8px font patch which made this thing possible) (HUGE thanks to him again for improving this patch on request)
I know you'll appreciate pictures more than the scarce info I'd provide at this stage of development, so:
The graphics are made to resemble the NES as much as possible. Every sprite and tile has 4 colors only, out of available 54. I try as much as possible to take into account things like the sprite limit, attribute tables, palettes, resolutions and so on.
The battle system is turn based, using action points for turn calculation, making certain actions take longer to prepare than others. You can also plan ahead by previewing the turn order. There's gonna be a lot of stuff to experiment with - several weapon types with different abilities, an unique magic system, and more.
I'm aiming for hard but fair difficulty. Don't expect to be able to finish the game holding A, but also don't be afraid - a lot of effort is being put into balancing things out. Not once you'll be forced to employ advanced tactics juggling turns and elements in order to fight your way through. The battles are supposed to be tough and challenging, but less frequent than in your typical jRPG.
I'll also make sure that the story won't hit you with bad writing, and give you enough of a reason to keep playing. There's gonna be things to do besides the main storyline as well - a game is incomplete if all you can do is rush to the ending screen. I promise you won't want to do that.
Every system in the game is custom - I essentially rewrote the RPG Maker from grounds up, using it only as a convenient tilemap engine. Not a single piece of the default database besides battle anims and character names (as strings) is used.
Technical details:
The game doesn't use any of RM's built-in systems besides names (for strings), messages and things that couldn't be replaced (load/save screen).
3350 variables used so far.
50 switches used so far.
The game runs with no slowdowns despite extensive use of a crapload of (small) pictures updated every frame. Not sure about weaker systems, those dinosaurs with 800MHz CPU might have problems with this. (Update: Lack of a proper graphics card doesn't seem to be a disadvantage... looks like the only problem lies within raw CPU power, I'd recommend 2 GHz or so since I use 2.7)
Custom systems:
A balanced action points based battle system.
Custom menus (hybrids of map and event scripts).
Spreadsheet database loader, powered by RMEF.
Palette swaps done by swapping one common chipset and solid color parallax BG.
The hacks and utilities employed are:
RMEF (especially the spreadsheet parser)
Unnamed 8px font patch
- All made by Cherry (RM2k3 would rot in hell already if it weren't for his efforts)
3350 variables used so far.
50 switches used so far.
The game runs with no slowdowns despite extensive use of a crapload of (small) pictures updated every frame. Not sure about weaker systems, those dinosaurs with 800MHz CPU might have problems with this. (Update: Lack of a proper graphics card doesn't seem to be a disadvantage... looks like the only problem lies within raw CPU power, I'd recommend 2 GHz or so since I use 2.7)
Custom systems:
A balanced action points based battle system.
Custom menus (hybrids of map and event scripts).
Spreadsheet database loader, powered by RMEF.
Palette swaps done by swapping one common chipset and solid color parallax BG.
The hacks and utilities employed are:
RMEF (especially the spreadsheet parser)
Unnamed 8px font patch
- All made by Cherry (RM2k3 would rot in hell already if it weren't for his efforts)