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Osmos template-wip

Hey folks, i'm starting work on another template, tell me what you think of this frontal view.

Osmos template


And here it is with a small fix, legs where a tad too short on the first.
I also made a different shaped head, i like 'em both but i'd like it if you folks
tell me witch you like better.

I now see it's looking a bit like Showkaizers template but not too much i think, so i will finish it and move on to the female and kid, and then maybe create another some time after that.:)

I'm kind of tired of the anime style eyes so i have switch 'em to a style of eyes i prefer.
Thanks for the comments guys, for a while i thought no one liked it :), i now plan to finish it and i have already completed the frontal frames as well as made the side and back standing frames, and all created at a quicker pace thanks to my work on the alternate man, i've applied most of what i learned there to this one.
Appreciate the comments guys, this makes me want to work harder now XD, i will post again when i have more, i have the standing side view and it's looking good but there's somethnig that is bothering me about it, i will post it later on today.

Despain: I will see about that today soon as i get back to the temp thanks :)
Showkaizer: Hey yeah this would go well with that chipset of mine, thanks.
Edit: And it will go well with the rtp as well, though some things like doors will need a resize.
Hello again folks, this is what i have going so far, i was going to upload it earlier today but i noticed something.. and then noticed some other things i could improve on, i'm sure there are some other areas i can work on but i'm kind of tired now so if you guys see anything i can change for the better let me know and i will try my best to.

First here's a picture of the temp with rtp.

And the incomplete character sheet.

The animation for back frames will be easy to make, but the side animation is what will kill lol.
Edit: btw i fixed that small prob i had with the side view but yeah let me know if you guys see anything else.
The legs that are forward in the 2nd and 4th frames of the down facing pose look a tad odd to me... The bottom of them has a lot of eather the darkest shade or the outline colour... I can't tell..... I hope I explained that ok.
Actually that same mechanic is used in RTP sprites. The leg forward is supposed to subconciouslty give you the illusion of a distorted overhead view. The only reason you notice it now is becuse it isn't shaded. You'll find the same thing done on Chrono Trigger and FF sprites from SNES.


The face seems mushed in on the side view. And as stated before, I think you should shade that back leg to make it less obvious.
Thanks for the help guys, Showkaizer I will work on the side view for the face and see what i can do, now on the leg shading you guys are talking about the frontal correct? So i should go with an even darker shade/color there then?
either way i have to add more shading for the side view hind leg as well, please get back to me soon and let me know.

Edit: I have edited the face for the side view, looks alot better what do you guys think?

Edit: Here we go, tell me what you think.
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c35/O ... /-Step.png[/IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c35/Osmos/darkercolor.png[/IMG]

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