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Once A Week (writing project)

yes definitely. a very good habit for me to get into. soon (once my planning process is over) i'll be starting a webnovel and i'll be doing a chapter each week if all goes smoothly so this would be a great way to get into the habit.

one week sounds perfect
I have so much stuff I just let go.  I had the Signius Chronicles and the Cycle of the Sun poem which I don't think I'll ever go back to.  This would definitely keep me on track and prevent that from happening again.  Once a week is a good time.
I'd tag team it with, Etheon.  I like the idea of having a topic or theme of the week.  It helps narrow our focus to write rather than going all potpourri.
Venetia Macgyver":1puslsa0 said:
dissuades people like des though, making ongoing series.

no, no. a theme sounds good. this wouldn't BE my series thing, it would just help me get in the swing of things and work for motivation

imo the person who posts the best criticism gets to pick the next theme (rather than best piece). that would encourage really good feedback and discourage stupid little "MY STORY WAS BETTER THAN YOURS" garbage.



This sounds good. I really should get back into writing I keep trying but messing up. Maybe something like this (rather than 'open word whenever I remember and write about whatever') would help. Themes sound good.
missingno":2vqma0it said:
Venetia Macgyver":2vqma0it said:
dissuades people like des though, making ongoing series.

no, no. a theme sounds good. this wouldn't BE my series thing, it would just help me get in the swing of things and work for motivation

imo the person who posts the best criticism gets to pick the next theme (rather than best piece). that would encourage really good feedback and discourage stupid little "MY STORY WAS BETTER THAN YOURS" garbage.

oh ok that makes sense :)

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