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Once A Week - Ended Aug. 29

jesus christ sophist are you really an english teacher. your grammar in some areas is pffffffffffffff

"undue her bra"? you have insane run-ons and it's incredibly wordy. you seem to try and cram your sentences with so much information that by the end of it, you forget how the beginning started.

i'l have a lot more later but i'm tired bro. playing rock band with the CT CREW all night \m/

and gratheo i ain't reading that until you fix the formating
@Gratheo: Well, that was a much less serious take to the unrequited love scenario :smile:. It was very easy to read, good writing style (kind of reminded me of Catcher in the Rye), and comical too. I can't really pick out any errors with it, maybe because there are none or maybe because I'm just lazy :/

Edit: Alright, I tried to tweak mine enough... I might as well just post it:
I felt the surge of adrenaline flow through my body as the cold hard metal was forcefully pressed against the back of my head. The action was so violently executed that I would have undoubtedly fallen if the person had not aggressively wrapped his other arm around my neck to hold me in place. I tried to stand still to process the events that were occurring; however my heart was beating so uncontrollably that I couldn’t stop my body from fidgeting and my legs from trembling. Although, several things were unclear to me at that point, I knew just what this was; an ambush.

I soon began to calm down enough to gain control of my body again. My initial reaction was to fight this person off, yet I withheld myself from doing so because of the metallic object that was slowly indenting an open circle into my head. I couldn’t figure out who the person was, however. I didn’t have any enemies that would go as far as to ambush me in my own apartment; or at least I assumed I didn’t. It could have been a stranger who just wanted money, but how would he get in my apartment unnoticed. I looked down at the arm that was hugging my neck tightly, to see if I could identify it. Unfortunately, the person had covered his whole arm with a long sleeved, tight, cotton black shirt and a black glove, which was intended for use during the winter. It seemed that this ambush was planned carefully.

I was still breathing hoarsely, and choking at given intervals. I tried to calm myself down, yet it seemed impossible to fully regain my composure. I made another attempt to figure out who the person was by turning my head, quickly, yet carefully, to see the person’s face. It was no use; the attacker had a ski mask on too. He immediately noticed my twisted face and became tense.

“S-Stop moving!” he said in an exaggeratedly deep voice. I felt his grip around my neck tighten as he said those words to reinforce his point. I turned my head back forward in order to get him to ease the grip, yet he kept his grip tight. I struggled for air as I saw his arm move closer in, providing less room for my neck. He was now recklessly squeezing my neck, as if it was just an empty juice carton or a soda can. It was only until I nearly passed out that he decided to retract his arm. He let go of me and let me drop to the floor, gasping for air, while he stood above me pointing his gun directly at me. I could see his feet trembling and his arm move as if he had just taken it out of the freezer. It was obvious he was nervous too; probably because he made the mistake of speaking to me. I had recognized his voice and knew who he was immediately.

“What the hell are you doing, Harry?” I asked him, now even more confused. Harry, my patient, now froze in place. He still kept his ski mask and gloves on, probably in an attempt to make me reconsider who the person was, but I definitely knew it was him.
“Harry, I know it is you,” I said again. This time, realizing there was no use concealing himself, he removed his ski mask, revealing his bright red, curly hair. His pale, freckled face was abnormally reddened from him being in the ski mask all that time. His expression was a mix of frustration and anxiety. I could tell Harry was still sane and had not lost it completely, which helped me to calm down a little. I then began to plan a way to remove the gun from Harry, so I tried to see if I could assuage his anger first. However, due to his naturally unstable nature, I knew that I had to watch my words.

“Harry, why are you attacking me?” I tried to say calmly, but due to my heavy breathing, it came out in more of an exhausted and apprehensive tone.

“You… y-you never told me you were moving!” he said, stuttering halfway. I felt a chilling drop of sweat trickle down my spine. How did he figure out that I was moving? Also, how did he figure out where my apartment was? My thoughts were interrupted by Harry, repeating his last statement.

“You never t-told me that you were moving!” he said again. It seemed that he was waiting for a response from me. I tried to attain a calm, professional stance so he would not be irritated by any quirks or behaviors that I might accidentally exhibit.

“I’m sorry, Harry. I have to go on a short business trip. I promise I’ll be back,” I said falsely. I thought that telling him that I would return would calm him somewhat, but his expression was still the same, now with his face becoming almost as red as his hair.

“T-Then why are you t-t-t-t-taking Ms. Byatt with you?” He now said, stuck at the “t”, which made his teeth chatter together as if he was grinding the air into even smaller particles. He seemed most concerned that I was taking Ms. Byatt with me, which enlightened me to the true motive of this ambush.

“Harry, are you going to miss Ms. Byatt?” I asked him. His whole body jumped upright like a startled cat as he heard the statement.

“N-No!” He yelled, quite audibly. I noticed I had done the reverse of my intention by making that statement, since he now had the gun pointed directly at my forehead, in between my eyes so it was in the center of my vision. I quickly continued to make conversation with him.

“You know Harry, Ms. Byatt and I are just going on a short business trip,” I lied again. “We aren’t planning on doing anything; just business.”

“D-Don’t lie to me!” He responded. Harry seemed very sure that he knew the facts. “Ms. W-Walton said you were running away with Ms. Byatt!”

“Damn,” I murmured to myself. Ms. Walton, or Marice, was keen to gossip. Outside of her job as a specialized neurologist, gossiping was her favorite hobby. She probably slipped this information while performing a routine examination on Harry. I had to come up with a rebuttal.

“She is probably just joking Harry. Why would I want to run away?” I questioned him. He started to become less sure of his objective. His face became less tense and transitioned into an expression of confusion and sorrow. He now began to lower the gun, having it point to my chest now.

“You w-wouldn’t?” he asked like an innocent child. I felt somewhat guilty for lying to him, but my primary goal was to get the gun away from him.

“Of course not,” I said, still sitting on the floor, with my legs bent and folding onto each other and my hands placed directly on top of them. His gun was now pointed at my arms, so I knew he was not interested in attacking me anymore. I slowly began to stand up, to completely get away from the gun’s aim. I was almost able to get the gun away from him, but I had to continue to distract him with conversation.

“You know, Harry, you and Ms. Byatt could probably sit in the cafeteria and eat together if you like, when we get back from the trip,” I said while moving to the left so I could move further from his aim.

“W-would you come too?” he asked.

“If you want,” I replied. I watched his face, which didn’t seem to take notice of my slow movements. He was instead staring straight ahead, where I was seated before, smiling foolishly, as if he were daydreaming. I took noticed to this and decided that now was the best time to strike. I lunged at him as fast as I could and grabbed the hand that he held the gun in. Harry noticed it, and tried to release himself from my grip. I tried to wrestle the gun out of his hand but he gripped the trigger preemptively, releasing a bullet into my leg.

I fell to the floor and let out a loud scream. I felt an extreme burning sensation in my leg, almost as if I had stuck a burning coal into my thigh. I covered the wound with my hand in order to stop the blood from leaking out, but it had already begun pouring onto my hardwood floor. I collapsed into the pool of blood underneath me and began screaming uncontrollably. Harry stood above me trembling.

“I’m s-sorry!” he screamed helplessly. I was unable to talk rationally with him; the pain was too great.

“Damn it, Harry! Damn it!” I yelled at him. I realized that saying that wouldn’t help the situation, but I was too enraged.

“I’m sorry!” he repeated uselessly. I tried to regain my sensibility in order to give some directions to him.

“Harry, get the telephone. Please… call the hospital,” I told him still rolling on the floor to relieve the pain.

“B-but will you still t-take me to eat with you and Ms. Byatt?” he asked.

“Yes, Harry. I will. Just get the damn telephone!” I said. I couldn’t continue to be patient with him because the injury was becoming more severe.

“O-Okay, I’ll g-get the t-t-telephone,” he said obediently. He rushed into the kitchen, then into my room searching for a telephone. I didn’t bother directing him to one because the pain began to burn into my whole leg, crippling my speech.

“Here it is,” he told me. He then waited for my next orders.

“Okay, Dial 555-…” I said still rolling on the floor, now clenching my teeth together and closing my eyes to endure the pain. I paused for a while to let out a groan. Yet, I managed to finish saying the number. “Dial 555-289-9281, Harry.”

He dialed the first three numbers and paused. I stared at him while gripping my leg, until I realized that he was not going to finish the call. I became less patient.

“What is it, Harry? Call the damn hospital!” I yelled irritably.

“I-I don’t want to go to the hospital. C-can I go with you and Ms. Byatt on the business trip?” he asked.

“Damn it, Harry, open your fucking eyes!” I yelled. His obliviousness was something I could usually ignore or find humor in, but under these circumstances it only made me furious. “She doesn’t like you; she won’t like you. To her, you are just another mental patient!"

He stood there blankly for a moment. I started at him while rolling around a little. His facial expression changed again; it was not angry this time, it was sinister. I began to regret what I had said, but the pain was too much to endure now. His trembling stopped and he let go of the phone, letting it fall to the floor, next the pool of blood. He then bent to the floor and picked up the gun to point it at me once more. This time, however, there was no trembling, no fidgeting; he was still. He held the gun directly at my forehead.

“Harry, I’m sorry. Please… call the hospital,” I said in a poor effort to calm him down. He didn’t say anything. His finger began to hover over the trigger. I began to panic again.

“Harry, don’t shoot! Are you mad?!” I asked desperately.

“N-no, I’m gay.”
(Braces himself for bad commentary)
Going off of some advice Soph gave me in IRC, here's an updated version.
And thank you, Neverplayd. I was trying to go for something different from the traditional 'I love this person but they don't love me back' by switching around the perspective.
I met Sean on my first day at the new school.
My family'd just moved there, and I didn't know anyone yet.
He was the first guy to talk to me. Well, sort of.
Picture a roughly five six blur of grungy t-shirts, jeans, and black hair, and a giant smile permanently plastered over his face. Now picture said blur running at you and hugging you, before you even realize that he's there.
...It was a little of a surprise, but that's Sean. He gives so many hugs, to everyone. After that he more formally welcomed me to the school.
Turns out he had a friend - Jan was his name. Nice guy. Transfer student from the Phillipines or something, but he spoke perfect English. Really fucking smart, too. Great guy. Dressed in band t-shirts and tight jeans that would have looked really hot on a chick.
In a couple months, we grew pretty close. They were great guys, even if they weren't exactly the popular in-crowd.
Mostly, we hung around my place and played basketball. Oh, and cooked. Jan was a fucking incredible cook, and he made Sean and I join in as well. Sean said cooking was 'women's work', but I think he was joking. He seemed to like baking even more than Jan or I did.

Those days, shooting hoops and baking cookies
were great, and I loved every minute of it.
Sean and I sometimes went over to Jan's place, or we went to Sean's, but most of the time my place was where we were.

Eventually, Sean got a summer job, working for his parents or some shit like that.
So it was just me and Jan. Not that I minded, Jan was really nice. Sleepovers and late-night movie marathons dominated the summer.

Actually, it was after just one of those sleepovers my dad came up to me.
"Hey, James?" he asked. He seemed a little nervous.
"Uh, yeah?" Noncommitically.
"...You and Jan... you're close, right?"
"Yeah. Why d'you ask?"
He breathed in, a hiss through his lightly clenched teeth.
"Err... how close, exactly?"
"I still don't get what you mean, dad."
Quickly, almost as one word: "Are you and Jan having sex?'
I stared at him. If my jaw could have dropped any further, it probably would have.
"WHAT? Dad! Jan's not like that, we're not... Fucking God! Why the hell would you even think that!"
Apologetically, my dad raised his arms in an 'okay, okay...!' pose. "I was just asking. Sorry, son."
"Well, jeez, no fucking kidding, dad."

I couldn't believe him. The nerve! I wasn't gay. Not some kinda fucking faggot.

The next day, though, I almost managed to forget all about that stupid conversation with dad. Sean had the day off work or something, so we all got together, and hung out at my place, and shot hoops like the good old days. I just couldn't get that nagging doubt out of my head, though.

Gay. I knew the word, of course. And a couple other synonyms. Isn't high school fun?
Up to that point, though, I hadn't really thought about it as ..well, real. I didn't know you really could be gay.

The basketball bounced off of my head.
"Hey, James? You alright there, man?"
I snapped out of it, in time to get a pass from Sean and lay it up for an easy two points. Swish.

Sean hugged me tightly, like he usually did, but I couldn't help myself - the word 'gay' was echoing around in my head. A young man hugging me tightly was just too much. Sean must have noticed something was off, because he stopped hugging me, and his face was full of concern.
"Are you OK, James?"
"...What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just got some shit on my mind, you know."
He seemed hesitant.
"Alright, I guess. You just don't seem yourself today, is all."
"Nah, it's nothing. Let's keep playing, OK?"

Sean and Jan looked at each other. Jan spoke, unusually - he was normally quite shy and reserved, and always very soft-spoken.
"James, it's obviously not nothing. Something's bothering you. You can tell us, we're your friends."
I bounced the ball, made a shot. Swish. Passed it to Jan.
"Well, it was yesterday, after Jan left. My dad came up to me, said he wanted to talk." Jan nodded, then made a shot. The ball swished through the hoop effortlessly.
"Well, he thought I was sleeping with you! I mean, can you imagine it? He thought I was some kinda fucking homo! The nerve!"
The ball clattered off the backboard, and rolled to the side, forgotten.
Jan looked almost like he'd been slapped in the face. Ashen, he turned to me.
"I have to leave now. I should be heading home."
He ran off until he was just a speck in the distance. His bike was still leaning against the wall.
I turned to Sean.
"Jeez, what's his fucking problem, huh?"
Sean turned to me.
"You broke his heart, you bitch. He's been pining after you since day one, even though it was obvious you weren't interested and didn't want him like I did.
Thanks a whole fucking lot."

When Sean left, he took his bike.

I turn, bounce the ball once, and fire off a shot. The ball bounces off the backboard with a clatter, and bounces away from me. Walking over to it, I give the ball a sharp kick of frustration. It bounces against the garage door and comes back to rest near my feet, faded and grayed, a shadow of what it once was.

It's been a week. A week since I scared Jan and Sean off, a week since I lost my last rational connection to how things were.
And all just because I couldn't keep my fucking mouth shut.
Dribble. Pivot. Swish.
OK, I finally got the time to read everything.

@Venetia - I liked how you formatted everything.  It put emphasis in just the right places and made it flow nicely.  The only problem was that it was a little confusing.  I wasn't really sure who you were talking about sometimes.  It wasn't bad until the end, when you start thinking about the characters and who they represent.  It was certainly an interesting take on the theme.

@The Great Terror - I actually found yours very hard to read.  It didn't flow very well and it was crammed with unnecessary details.  The first section was pretty good, and the last wasn't bad, but the middle paragraphs seemed pointless.  I ended up scanning it more than actually reading it because it didn't hold my interest for very long and I found the noises around me completely distracting, which shouldn't happen.  A good story should pull you into the world or mind of the characters, and this just didn't do that for me.

@Gratheo - I liked what you did with this.  It definitely had the Catcher in the Rye feel except the narrator was much more innocent.  I think it could have been enhanced by adding a couple of scenes that involved girls, though.  It would have been interesting to see how each reacted to the scenario.  I especially liked how you ended it.

@Neverplayd - It didn't flow very well at all.  It seemed clunky and strange when I was reading the descriptions and stuff.  The dialog wasn't bad, but the end was.  It seemed incredibly forced and just didn't fit.  Maybe adding a sentence or two after that about the sound of the gun or something would help.

Venetia":35crh2xn said:
I read yours (revised version), Guardian. It's kind of a cute story, actually :)


But like I said, it was cute. There were a few redundant sentences and things, but overall it was grammatically sound and it flowed easily.
I'm still in high school and I haven't had a date yet, so it was bound to come out that way.  I've never tried writing anything with a love theme, and I've never read anything related to the subject before.  It was a good experience so I know what I'm doing if I ever have to do it again, but love stories just aren't my strong point.

If no one has anything else to submit/criticize, who's going to choose the next theme?  I think we said that whoever gave the best criticism was going to choose the next theme, but who's going to decide that?
Guardian1239":1ziu3e1u said:
@Neverplayd - It didn't flow very well at all.  It seemed clunky and strange when I was reading the descriptions and stuff.  The dialog wasn't bad, but the end was.  It seemed incredibly forced and just didn't fit.  Maybe adding a sentence or two after that about the sound of the gun or something would help.
Heh, true. I was trying to rush through the ending (partially because I was trying to make the deadline~which obviously I didn't~and partially because I didn't want to drag out the falling action). The ending was a bit forced, though I'm not sure what you mean by the clunky and strange descriptions.

And is it the best writer that gets to choose or the best critic? If it is the latter, then what would you use to encourage the writers to write the pieces?
Neverplayd":2uj7fb24 said:
The ending was a bit forced, though I'm not sure what you mean by the clunky and strange descriptions.
I was mostly referring to the first couple of paragraphs.  You used however, although, and then however again, and it really seemed to slow me down when I was reading it.

Neverplayd":2uj7fb24 said:
And is it the best writer that gets to choose or the best critic? If it is the latter, then what would you use to encourage the writers to write the pieces?
I think we were going to have the best critic choose the next theme.

missingno":2uj7fb24 said:
imo the person who posts the best criticism gets to pick the next theme (rather than best piece). that would encourage really good feedback and discourage stupid little "MY STORY WAS BETTER THAN YOURS" garbage.
Hmm, I'm torn between Des and you yourself, Guardian, for best critique.

OK everyone who took part, give us your opinions!
Everyone who didn't, shame on you, and try to do it next week.

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