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Odd window initialization problem

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I have an odd problem with an initialize method of custom window I'm making. The window derives from Window_Selectable.
class Window_Inventory < Window_Selectable
  attr_accessor :n_tier # the type of inventory you are looking at.
  # Constants for use in altering the n_tier variable
  ITEMS = 0 
  EQUIP = 1
  K_ITEMS = 2
  # Do we want annoying message boxes that help?
  DEBUG_OUT = true

# * Initialize - Start the window inventory.
  def intialize(x, y, width, height)
    if DEBUG_OUT
      print("Window_Inventory initialize begin")
    super(x, y, width, height)
    @n_tier = ITEMS
    @data = []
    #dummy test
    @data.push("1 apple")
    @data.push("2 bats")
    @data.push("3 sheepies")
    self.contents.font.name = $window_font
    self.contents.font.size = $window_font_size
    self.index = 0
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    if DEBUG_OUT
      print(@data[0] + ' ' + @data[1] + ' ' + @data[2])
    if DEBUG_OUT
      print("Window_Inventory initialize end")

None of the code seems to be executed within initialize. This is one odd bug. The window gets created with the correct dimensions. But I have no idea how! Now just in case you are thinking that the message boxes aren't being displayed because of how they are laid out. Outside the if statement they are just as useless. Also the class scope variable @data which should contain three strings contains nil when accessed from any other method in the class. So I have a few questions about this.

1.) Does initialize act as a constructor like in C code? So when 'new' is called for an object this method is automatically called?
2.) How is it possible that the window is created while skipping that code?:'(
3.) Am I overlooking something obvious?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.:thumb:

- Sincerely khmp



You sir are a genius problem solved! I spelled it correctly every where else but where it mattered :( Honestly how hard did you laugh when you found that?:D Thanks again Trickster.
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