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Noxie Nation - RPG Maker Youtube Spotlights

I am being pretty harsh, you're right. But the videos are amazing like you said, I watch every one (well, except the Noxie's Friend stuff, but that's due to personal interests). The great thing about your videos is that you know how to be concise, you got a sweet spot where people will be like "one more... just one more" and then an hour or two would have passed (once you have a enough videos to do such a thing ;)) I am aware that my comparisons are a tad unfair, but those are the only things I see (in ym eyes) that the series falls a tad short in terms of, everything else is amazing. And I'd rather give some critique than just saying some variant of 'Great Video!' on Youtube again :p

I would like to state though, that the people I've compared you to, do Youtube as fulltime jobs, TotalBiscuit earns enough to support his family (him, his wife and son) AND have enough money left over to fund things such a StarCraft II Tournaments, in which the most recent one he has put up $10,000 of his own money as the prize pool. Not saying that the work's easy, TB probably works harder than most 9-5's, but its something he loves doing.
Thank you both for the feedback, I will take it into consideration. I could do my outros a little different if that is something people would like :) I could have more gameplay footage during my ending talking then have some sort of music with more video links. As for the rest, no guarantees I will change anything, but I will keep what you said in mind. I kinda like thanking everyone for watching because I really am thankful that people watch and enjoy my videos.
OFF is strange...check it out!


And because I forgot to post my last video he it is :D

New exposing indie :) Sorry I have been a bit off my schedule this week, I have been very busy. Hopefully it will be back to normal soon. Hope you like the video!


I also did another episode of Noxie n' Friends, though I am not sure if anyone enjoys those :)


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