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Not sure where this should be - Userbars ?

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Awesome Bro

Hi, if this needs moving can a mod do it for me please.

I need to know three quick things on making Userbars.

1. What are the correct dimensions ? I know the length is usually 350, but whats the hieght ?
2. How do I make the diagonal lines that go over it (Forgot what their called)
3. What font is used on them ?

Thanks for any help.
Wrong section; reported. Anyways:
1. 350x19 are the common dimensions
2. Uh, depends on the program I guess. I'm not sure about Photoshop, since I don't make userbars with stripes anyways, only back in the old days, when I used Fireworks. Can't help you with that :x
3. Visitor font and variants, check dafont.com for it.
2- The lines are called scanlines.
They are quite easy to make.
Open adobe, create a new file 5x5. Zoom in 1600%. Draw a 1 pixel diagonal line. Go to edit and define pattern.
I think that covers it.


Awesome Bro

Sorry, I don't use Photoshop, But I'm sure I can do this on Paint.NET


Nothing on Paint.NET, is there any other ways to do this except copy and paste it all over?
Good, but pretty basic. If you can't get Photoshop, just use GIMP or something. Paint.NET wasn't meant for stuff like these :p


Awesome Bro

Actually kumokami, I used MS Paint for it, MS Paint really is the best program for things like these, why pay like £100 ($200) for a program with all these flashy buttons and add ons, for pixels ? Theres no point, and as soon as you save up enough to buy it, the next one it out that costs more ! MS Paint is mans best friend ! better than dogs, y'know why ? You can draw a dog on it, and it won't shit all over and bark all night...

Woo !


Awesome Bro

You know something, YES, I could, I'm actually really skilled with Paint and can do many things with it.

Updated the Userbar, I've just drawn the female version of the character and added it there, anyone like ?
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