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No Request only an Idea :)

Haye Dudes!
I got some time to make up my mind about some Problems in RMXP, and guess, i found one (without using the Maker :D ).
It will be an Advantage to my Evergore System, so it could be confusing to the ones which don't know it.
create your own WeaponKinds which enable WeaponLeveling. Further in this Class you choose its Properties(2 Handed, Throw, Ranged, Ammo).
Now your Weapons can have Level Requirements
Almost the same as WeaponKinds with less Properties
The new Attack won't be a simple Value. It will be a Compilation of different Attack Effects.
A Weapon has the following Attack Effects:
1. do 1-10 Cut Damage
2. do 1-5 Fire Damage
3. change the Target's State to 'Burn' with a SuccessRate of 15%

What it'll look like in Ruby:
@attack = []
# When Damage
# @attack[x] = [0, [MinDamage, MaxDamage], Element]
# When State Effect
# @attack[x] = [1, Percentage, State]
# Cut Damage
@attack[0] = [0, [1, 10], 1]
# Fire Damage
@attack[1] = [0, [1, 5], 4]
# State 'Burn'
@attack[2] = [1, 15, 3]

The new Defence:
An Armor has the following Defence Properties:
1. Decrease Cut Damage with 5
2. Decrease Fire Damage with 10%
3. Prevent State 'Burn' with 10%

What it'll look like in Ruby:
@defence = []
# When Point Damage Reduction
# @defence[x] = [0, Value, Element]
# When Percentage Damage Reduction
# @defence[x] = [1, Percentage, Element]
# When State Prevention
# @defence[x] = [2, Percentage, State]
# Cut Damage
@defence[0] = [0, 5, 1]
# Fire Damage
@defence[1] = [1, 10, 4]
# State Change
@defence[2] = [2, 10, 3]
In Case you gonna use magical Weapons, you could have this Problem:
You magical Weapon has the Elements Cut and Fire within.
So the Weapon does 50% Cut and Fire Damage. But what to you have to do when you want Fire do 25 % or a specific amount of Damage?
Got the Prob, huh?
Please Post about your Opinions about this. I didn't start to script this (how!?), but maybe you want something to be added which i didn't think about...
I know it isn't a Request but neither a Script, but it has to do with Scripting, so i put the Topic here, hope it's the right place ;)

Keep It Up,
For weapon Kinds and Leveling, here's an already existing Weapon Proficiency script at Creative Asylum. With it, your hero can increase his skill with a weapon type from repeated use. Or you can use GoldenShadow's Weapon Levelling System script for Weapons and Armor gaining their own levels(C.Asylum too).

Just posting so you can see the benefits of each. The first is decent, but broadbased... and you 'may' increase proficiency too quickly. The second is decent in it's own way, but each weapon ID must be its own weapon (with HP, LVL and etc). So if you want twelve short swords, you need to have 12 unique IDs. Maybe you can find something.
Well this wasn't my Prob VVulf ;)

The Main Advantage (which i guess wasn't discussed before) was to connect Elements with a specific amount of Damage.
Also the State Attack can be changed to a specific Value.
Armors act the same Way:
Reduce Damage of a specific Element and Reduce the Propability of a State Change.

Thank you for viewing

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