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Nintendo RPG

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Nintendo RPG.

All the Nintendo Characters being collided together for an epic adventure.

Champio30":106na3uc said:
Champio30":106na3uc said:
Champio30":106na3uc said:
i deleted dah old one, my bad.

Im turning my game to an epic Nintendo RPG


Yeah, to my Nintendo RPG.

Im accepting 32x32 tilesets with tehe length of 256xXX

Confirmed Tilesets:
Pokemon Essential tilesets
Onett tileset

Also, the storyline is a spoiler, but the storyline isnt done yet.

Major Storyline:
A Mysterious man is transporting all Nintendo characters, having them destroyed, and make way for new characters. So, the Nintendo Characters Team up to defeat this man, but to there surprise the mysterious man is being run by tons of the Nintendo evil Villians. But to their surprised, The person got too strong, that they destroyed the lab, and went his own way. So, there is 2 things to stop, The Mysterious man and the Nintendo Villians. Thats it??? NO! Team Galactic is coming back, with their plans to use legendary pokemon to destroy Nintendo Characters, and the Mysterious man. But Mars, one of the admins, got Ness on their side, what will happen?? Toon in to find out.

Confirmed attacks:
[] - didnt start
[-] - working on
You really need to read up on the forum rules for Project Discussion, more specifically:

Project Discussion Rules":2076esu6 said:
2.) Minimum Posting Requirements for a Project Topic
When you start a project topic, you must have at the very least two screenshots of your work in progress, in addition to one full paragraph of story description.  It shows that you are making a definite effort to make this game a reality, and are not just spouting a random idea that you came up with two seconds ago

Your screenshot is horrible; next time full screen the game and press the Print Screen button on your keyboard, that way you only get vthe game and not your desktop as well. Also, is that a quote? You need to go into atleast one full paragraph about your game topic. I'll allow this to remain open for 24 hours, if you haven't fixed whatI've pointed out by then, I'm going to lock this.
I agree that this doesn't have a whole lot of information.Why all the quote windows?

Anyway, just some stuff from me;

For starters, you use the wrong kind of 'their'. You have 'there' when it should be 'their'.This is basic english, unless it's not your first language, that's something you learn pretty early. Could have been a honest quick typo, I've done that myself, but proof reading might be good.

The 'plot' is hardly that. From what I got from it, some oddball nameless character is killing off all the 'Nintendo Characters' and teaming up with the Nintendo Villains to do this, but some 'admin' of something (clarify too, what is he the administrator of?) has teamed up with Ness to stop this guy, who is also being contested by 'Team Galactic'

For a game, you have not listed a single feature, who and who isn't a playble character, the reason this man is killing off the Nintendo characters, and you haven't named WHO these characters are.  Who's playable, what kind of battle system, any mini games, etc etc.
What are the Man and Team Galactic's intentions? Their purpose?
Not every living, breathing soul will know all the Nintendo Made Characters, so a short description of the major ones you will be concentrating on will be a good start.

Just tossing that bit out there, and yeah, add some more screen shots, we can tell you have Vista, and have a unnamed game open, IE, and paint, but that's all.And also, don't post 'IM ACCEPTING TILESETS' that doesn't really tell us much. There's a resource request forum if you need it.
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