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Awesome Bro

NINJA TRAINING (Cause Why not)

What happened to my original Pic?


So if it's alright, Im gonna make a Topic of my project FOR the CONSTUCT2 Contest
any progress I have done, and possibly what I will be doing if I can figure out how.

-Progress- (Day by day)

March 4th
- I played Around with the system and looked at the different tutorials.

March 5th
- I started early this morning and made a platform... all thought the character is a stick figure.
- Cleaned up Event page for character... "not in current download"

March 6th
- New Level Layout, moving platforms seem a bit buggy when player is on it, jump/fall animations added.

March 7th
- Added NEW Demo... still kinda Buggy, but as I learn more I Hope to not have that.
- Things I would Like to put in... Title Screen and multiple levels.

March 11th
- discovered a silly trick to remove white background from character.
- discovered it wasn't as efficient as I hoped.

March 12th
- started working on game again after a short break.
- added title screen with button to start game. (nothing special)

March 13th
- playing around with mouse functions... might be a platform game with puzzles.

March 15th
- Mouse functions are basically linked to Colored platforms (So far)
= Red platforms disappear (Solid > Non Solid)
= Green platforms appear (Non solid > Solid)
= Blue Platforms Rotate 90*
= Orange teleport to different area of level Positions

March 16th
- Total Events Used .... 31
- Total Variables Used... ~10

and since I figured out a way of resetting things that have been used
I have a HUGE canvas in front of me. :lol:

March 19th
- retried what I did on the 11th... cause I know now what was happening.
- Success :thumb:

March 25th
- Working on a different type of game mechanics
- Mouse mechanic is Out...
- Color Squares have different functions.
- New Title screen (Since mine was removed... :blank: )
- New character sprite
- Collect Coins... lol

March 27th
- Finished Lvl.1,2,3
- Added TIMER

March 28th
- Finished levels 4,5,6

Last Demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/68519120/Ninja/index.html
which project for which engine? screenshots? features, story, game type, length, info?

You cant just post a download link you know, I have learnt the "hard" way so just saying you'll need more^^
Lol, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone was going to post about the lack of info here. :) I understand the progress quite well!


I am the darkest knight.

Great flow, man. :)


Awesome Bro

Bump... I'll be Adding more Demos... mostly to show things like progress.

and when I do finish who should I contact with FINAL product?
Post a link to it in this topic, and then PM me with the final topic link (if you're worried that we won't see it).

All judging will be done in your game's topic, on March 31st and April 1st.

Any of the HBG Staffers will be judging, and we will also be posting a voting poll towards the end of the month to get a feel for the popular opinion, as well.

Winners should be announced by April 2nd.


Awesome Bro

Right now, My game is kinda the type where when you beat a room
you go to the next one. In some levels, if you Fail, you need to go
back a room... or two.

there is no technical Game over... just a LOT of rooms on a big map.

Might try and add a timer... if possible, make it like a race.
Well in ANY game you need to feel even some tiny sense of accomplishing something, so that you will either try to best your last achievement, or feel like you have reached a logical conclusion.

So just make sure that there is always 1 of those two things in there and it won't be considered a demo.


Awesome Bro

What did you have in mind? what would work best for you?

These Demos are not up to date... they are samples of what I was able
to figure out by playing around with the different functions of Construct 2.
Ahh I see. Well I ended up getting the demos working in firefox, but Chrome and IE wouldn't let me play for security reasons. Haha cool demo test games X) If you had the demos put up on a site somewhere (if you had one) or on dropbox, people can play right from the browser!


Awesome Bro

Well... I'm done with practicing... I Think Now I will be moving on to
Making my official GAME entry.

Even though 100 is the event Limit in Free trial, I figured out a way to recycle events. By making Levels you cant go back to and invisible Areas that when the player passes through it resets variables.

The Game will Only be in Black & White since... since for me It is more
tedious otherwise.

The game will have both Keyboard & Mouse Functions

The game will be a mix of platform (No enemies... yet) & Puzzle

and if I come up with anything New I will keep it in the First post in

Looking forward to your entry, EG :)

One note: When posting a link to your game, we won't want to download things, we'll be looking for a direct link to your uploaded HTML file. Your game will play within that HTML file.
The dropbox link works for me.

But I have no sword and pretty much demand it. Or at least the ability to get past the four red walls after the long drop. :)

The ninja is pretty cute ... :>

I can't recommend being forced to use the directional pad + mouse clicks. If you're insistent on using the mouse, allow for WASD. Otherwise, allow us to use spacebar or something instead.

Also if you get excited and click any of the orange blocks after the 1st one you encounter, you cannot continue in the level at all ... :(


Awesome Bro

For the Orange square... it actually resets... to the first position.

It's kinda like a cycle... you click
- Square 1 to activate square 2
- Square 2 to activate square 3
- Square 3 to Re-activates square 1

But, maybe the Mouse function IS a bad Idea after all.

In any case I know I'm not going to win 1st-3rd, and in all seriousness
I don't think I want Construct 2 as a program, even if I placed 4th-12th.

but as a consolation, knowing the program helped me to help others a little.
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