Custom Name Menu - XP (RC2) & VX (RC1)
by Kyonides-Arkanthos
This script allows you to start a game in a Legend of Zelda fashion. You first select a save file, then you choose your name with a (non-standard RM) GUI and later you go back to the save screen where you can now see that your new save file shows your name instead of "New Game".
Even if you change your character's or hero's name later on, that won't affect your save file.
You can also save your game by pressing button A. (Press F1 to check out which button is supposed to be A in your keyboard / gamepad setup.)
I know the screenshots are in Spanish, but I already included the English images in the demo file. You'd just need to change the filenames in FileData and SaveFile modules, I think the Constant names are quite self explanatory.

DEMO (Script Included)
If you have any questions regarding this script usage, please feel free to post them.
This was made for Standard RMXP games.
Credits and Thanks
Terms and Conditions
Free to use for free / non commercial games. You should include me in your game credits and do not alter my script unless you obviously need to edit some Constant value...