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nice cool game

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hi there
i have a new game but it only a demo
te real game is a lot o bether te stupid pics wil be removd and more
the game hase a new live batle system and new monsters/items/bombs/spels
whitf very nice maps and pics
i think that a lot of peaple wil like t demo

i onley need some help to put pics and links to my game
if somone can help me with that i wil be plesured :thumb:
plz send me some tips
I understand you're new and need help, but please read the rules of this forum.

Post again once you have all the requirements (they're listed in the rules, I believe it's story info, character info, at least 2 screenshots, etc).

Support questions belong in support boards.

Posting pics: print screen, paste in paint, save as png, upload to photobucket/imageshack, post here with yoururl[ /img].

Posting links: well, you need to actually make your game first.

I suggest looking in the support boards, searching the forums, and generally familiarising yourself with the rules before posting.
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