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New try with Avion battler

ugh, well a long time ago, I did my Avion battler in KSVB style, shrinked to match the white ties ones, but it just dosn't fit at all, so I'm using Dollmage's awsome sprites as an base, and remaking it in white ties style.


my end result was along these lines:


well, I finished the moving frames for the thing, but really, it's jsut not good at all., The style in no way fit with dollmage's sprites or greenravens. So, I've decided to take dollmage's sprites into more study, and remake it using hers as a base, and make everything in white ties style.

anyways, this is my wip, I'd relaly like some C&C on it on how to make it better, and not just the bad things becuase I see alot of them as well, but how to fix them as well. Thanks.

http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x268 ... vion-3.png[/img]
That's pretty good!  ;D I like the color of the hair. BTW, are you finished with the sprite of him going towards the monster? If you are, add a bit more detail into the cape. (Shadows). If you're not done with it, I'm sure you would have done that.  ;)
If you're having trouble with capes, take a look at this image. This might also help.
The main thing to remember with capes is that they're hanging from something, so there'll be stress lines coming from there.
Here's an example -
|  /  |
| |  \ |
| /  ||
||    |
The important thing is that they're not symmetrical.
And finally, I made a few changes to a frame to see if I could give you a few pointers for the cape. It's just a quickie though, and it's also a bit over-exaggerated. Notice that I darkened the shading on the upper part of the cape.
http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/1931 ... amefg7.png[/img]
it looks like perhaps the color palettes youre using are off, or maybe its the shading or contrast...

you might also give the cape sharper edges...


Awesome Bro

Isn't the last pose meant to be dead ? Does this guy have enough power to still stand up even when he's been overkilled ? Lol, good work though.
i'm actually really glad you decided to try again it's a sign of wanting to improve and it deserves a little bit of kudos.

It's coming along, and I assume you got an OK from Dollmage to edit his stuff as a base for your work yes? Keep working at it, and i'd recommend taking a wild shot at trying to do something independent or at least highly edited from what you are using as a template. Good for growth. But this is defiantly a step in the right direction for you My only big complaint about this is.. i cannot for the life of me figure out what his weapon is aside form a difficult to see purple stick.
lol, the stick is crap XD

I'm putting off the weapon for last since for my game, I'm using a system where with different weapons, a different battler is used, and so the weapon atm doesn't really matter :P

anyways, yup, doll mage is helping me a bit on rmrk, and she says on her threads that we can edit them :x

as for the independent thing, I actaully jsut gave it a try, I'm actaully very satisfied with how my pose came out :D

http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x268 ... veiw-3.png[/img]

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